Re: The Hottest kind of fucking # 9 !

Please forward me to the part of this thread where you actually request what this thread is about.

the one that started it all

How selfish and narcissistic of you to think that everyone on the web knows what "the hottest kind of fucking" means, and will also post exactly the videos you want to see.
Selfish and narcissistic? Give me a fucking break. He mentioned (in a very polite way BTW) that this is a specific thread where people are asking about a certain position. These clowns who keep posting the wrong shit should at least have half a brain to open up a few of the links and realize that they all involve reverse cowgirl clips, often shot in POV style.

Maybe then you'll get some more responses, instead of you posting to your own thread over and over. ((see chapter 6, The Hottest Kind of fucking # 6))

Personally I'd actually prefer if Mr 6 Inch had these threads to himself, since apparently he's the only one who knows what these threads are all about. This is my favorite FO thread and I know that if he's posting the links in this thread, they are quality clips that are exactly what this thread calls for.

As for you....well, thanks for nothing. Go find yourself a different thread to troll. I'm more than happy to have him stick around and keep these threads alive all by himself.