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Trump to order U.S. troops to U.S./Mexican border.


Closed Account
I say Fuck Yeah! It's about fucking time! Bring it on more quickly than immediately.

Unfortunately, some ass wipe judge from somewhere or the entire Shithole Supreme Court will come out from the sewer to block this.

And even IF this were allowed to materialize, the troops would no doubt be castrated as far as having any actual power / authority to do ANYTHING. They very likely won't have even the power to detain, arrest, threaten to kick illegals' asses back into Mexico ... much less actually shoot anyone. Probably all they'll be able to do is CALL the Border Patrol and give them a heads up that some illegals are coming this way. Once word of this gets out to the illegals, that would neutralize the troops already nonexistent power even further.

But, I hope I'm wrong. I hope this does materialize and that the troops DO have some actual power to open Cans of Whoop Ass. The illegals claim they fear neither the Wall nor the Border Patrol. The troops need to be allowed to have some real BALLS so that the illegals DO fear the troops.

Otherwise if the troops are just going to be nothing, but weak Border Patrol Escorting Assistants who escort illegals to Processing Centers ... well, shit. This plan will be worthless.
And even IF this were allowed to materialize, the troops would no doubt be castrated as far as having any actual power / authority to do ANYTHING. They very likely won't have even the power to detain, arrest, threaten to kick illegals' asses back into Mexico ... much less actually shoot anyone.

Does that mean we won't get to see any woman and children being shot? :(

Damn. I was so looking forward to that :(

Was thinking maybe I might even bag me a couple myself :(
Does that mean we won't get to see any woman and children being shot? :(

Damn. I was so looking forward to that :(

Was thinking maybe I might even bag me a couple myself :(

Nothing the left would love more than a bunch of brown people being shot simply because they want to make a better life and assimilate as Americans. There will come a point, that if thousands at a time start trying to cross that indeed there will be casualties as it is an invasion. Not the drip drip drip that we have now.

The problem with people like you is that you have no respect for our immigration laws and somehow if we defend our sovereignty and borders then we are the bad guys. The suggestion that I heard yesterday was a good one. The United States military should set up a temporary buffer line a few miles into Mexican territory to stop those coming from reaching the U.S. and dare Mexico to do something about it and then the illegals become their problem and then they will stop it. Couple that with the possibility of the U.S. withdrawing from NAFTA and we will get results.


Closed Account
Does that mean we won't get to see any woman and children being shot? :(

Damn. I was so looking forward to that :(

Was thinking maybe I might even bag me a couple myself :(
:facepalm: Let me put it in simpler language that you can hopefully understand. Thanks to the Democrats, judges, the Supreme Court ... illegals have been conditioned to not listen to and not respect law enforcement officers, ICE, Border Patrol Officers, the border, etc. because ohhhhh --- they have rights. Therefore, they have no qualms about running from the authorities. If caught, they have no qualms about fighting with the authorities. If they are finally subdued, they of course know to ask for a lawyer who will get them out of that jam AND try to get them US citizenship because of the pain and suffering.

Anyway, and that's considering that the authorities actually have the authority to USE their guns. Just imagine how useless the authorities would be if they could only carry guns, but didn't have the authority to use them. If the authorities couldn't actually use their guns, the illegals would do as they please even more than they already do.

I'm not suggesting that there be 500,000 soldiers with itchy trigger fingers like Tackleberry from the Police Academy movies --- there on the border ready to smoke any illegal who so much as spits on the ground. I'm saying the REAL fear has got to be established that neither the soldiers nor the soldiers' guns are going to be there just for show. That they're not just some "political gesture." It's got to be drilled into the illegals' heads that they get out of line and do anything that gives the soldiers a justifiable reason to shoot ... they can and WILL. The illegals need to be taught a lesson that there IS a border there, which they don't have permission to just up and cross over, contrary to what Hillary promised them.

The illegals need to be taught that they don't make the rules, the laws. They don't get a vote on whether a beautiful WALL and / or soldiers can or cannot be used to enforce border security here. They're welcome to go tell THEIR presidents and governments how to run their countries though. See how that goes over.

I have seen in the News too many t-shirts and signs and have heard the chants of "Ilegal y sin Miedo" ... "Illegal and without Fear." We'll see about that. Someone needs an attitude adjustment.


Closed Account
I am reminded of an episode of the TV show Happy Days. Richie Cunningham had been getting bullied. He sought advice from Fonzie. Fonzie told Richie that when the bully showed up again ... just act all crazy, wild and shit like he was gonna beat the crap out of the bully ... and the bully would back down. Richie tried that and it didn't work. Before the bully was all set to beat the crap out of Richie, Richie told him to wait. Richie went and asked Fonzie what went wrong, why the plan didn't work. Fonzie goes, "Oh, I forgot a little detail. In order for the plan to work, you've got to have the reputation of having actually HIT someone."

In other words, the real FEAR had to be there that Richie could and WOULD actually HIT if need be. Since the bully didn't fear a micro bit that Richie could and would actually hit, the plan didn't work.

So there again, if the illegals don't fear a micro bit that the soldiers can and WILL shoot under ANY circumstances whatsoever ... the plan of the soldiers being on the border won't work. Heck, even if the illegals know that the soldiers can't even so much as detain them.
The problem with people like you is that you have no respect for our immigration laws and somehow if we defend our sovereignty and borders then we are the bad guys.

Drop the bullshit labeling.
I as an individual have no problem with enforcing our immigration laws as they exist.
You've never once and you never will see me referring to as illegals "undocumented" or "unauthorized"...they're illegals, they broke the law. Granted only a misdemeanor, but still.

So there again, if the illegals don't fear a micro bit that the soldiers can and WILL shoot under ANY circumstances whatsoever ... the plan of the soldiers being on the border won't work.

Yeah Chuck I get that and appreciate the effort to expand on your original post. I'm just projecting ahead to the repercussions of one of ours shooting a woman or a child. Things would get really really really ugly.
Drop the bullshit labeling.
I as an individual have no problem with enforcing our immigration laws as they exist.
You've never once and you never will see me referring to as illegals "undocumented" or "unauthorized"...they're illegals, they broke the law. Granted only a misdemeanor, but still.

So there again, if the illegals don't fear a micro bit that the soldiers can and WILL shoot under ANY circumstances whatsoever ... the plan of the soldiers being on the border won't work.

Yeah Chuck I get that and appreciate the effort to expand on your original post. I'm just projecting ahead to the repercussions of one of ours shooting a woman or a child. Things would get really really really ugly.

OMG! This is huge! This is historic! LOL

I don't understand why this is such big news. Both Bush and Obama deployed the National Guard on the border. Operation Jump Start and Phalanx
I'm just projecting ahead to the repercussions of one of ours shooting a woman or a child. Things would get really really really ugly.

Couldn't the same happen with armed US Border Patrol agents or other law enforcement then? Or are you saying those in our military lack the common sense or human decency to not open fire on women and children when provoked?

Crowd control in a hostile setting (Iraq) is a part of military training.
I don't understand why this is such big news.

It's big news because Trump used the whole thing to whip up his base, 99% of which has no idea this same org has held caravans the last few years.

Furthermore organizers planned in advance to have the march wrap at a conference in central Mexico. This we hear nothing about from the Hysteric In Chief.

He went so far as to claim they were coming here to take advantage of DACA. Which of course NONE of them are eligible for. Kind of hard to believe he'd be so ignorant as to not know that (though certainly not impossible, considering) - but it seems he can count on his base to be.
Couldn't the same happen with armed US Border Patrol agents or other law enforcement then?

Yes sure it could happen then as well.
And when it does, which it seems likely it will, it's going to create one hell of a firestorm.

Crowd control in a hostile setting (Iraq) is a part of military training

That's a fact.
But based on the hysteria I've been seeing from much of the right this would not be a controllable crowd.
Even worse, what if all that hysteria inspires some 'patriotic' civilian yahoo to lend Uncle Sam a hand? That's part of the risk one runs when playing the fear card for political gain.


Closed Account
Yeah Chuck I get that and appreciate the effort to expand on your original post. I'm just projecting ahead to the repercussions of one of ours shooting a woman or a child. Things would get really really really ugly.
Yeah, it COULD get really ugly ... as much as THEY want to make it. If it gets ugly, they the intruders won't be innocent in this.

I had never heard about those "caravans" that are apparently on their way here, much less that they've apparently been an annual thing. From what little I've heard about them now, they sure appear to be doing an in yer face dropping of the gauntlet. It's like, "We're on our way. You can't stop us. And you WILL have to accept us." I just saw one of them fuckers in the Spanish News a while ago. He had some paper / document in his hands. I have no idea who wrote that document or what authority it had, but the dude, taking a quick scan down it, confidently goes, "Con esto ... estoy LEGAL." Translated --- "With this ... I am LEGAL." WTF?

Someone told me that it was more like something along the lines that maybe the USA has some sort of agreement with Honduras or El Salvador or wherever that dude was from --- that they can come here and ASK for asylum. Well fuck, ANYONE can ask for asylum. That doesn't mean they'll get it. That dude has probably been misinformed. Someone probably charged him for that document and told him he'd arrive in the USA and be welcomed right on in as now being legal.

With the bold attitude of those caravans, I am seeing them exactly as Blue Countach mentioned --- an invasion. And especially since they've been an annual thing, more the reason to put a stop to that tradition. So an invasion must be met with the military, not just several sporadically-spaced Border Patrol SUVs.