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True Amateur Models
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Re: True Amateur Models - 19 year old Ruby Modeling Nude

Name: Ruby from
Age: 19
Height: 5' 03
Location: Tampa, Florida
Employment: Coffee Shop Employee

My name is Ruby W. and I am 19 years old! I work at a coffee shop near the downtown area of Tampa, Florida and I met a model photographer at the coffee shop the other day. We have a brand new employee, and she is learning how to make the differet types of drinks, so she took a little longer than usual to make his drink, but I had a good time, as well as an interesting time, talking with him about his amateur nude modeling website! I think a lot of girls think about doing nude modeling shoots, but many of them would either chicken out, or simply not do it in the first place, but then again, there's a lot of girls that would be willing to at least try it out! Well, I'm one of those girls that would at least try it out, and not only did I try it out, I had an absolute blast at the modeling shoot! The photographer was very professional and he really made me feel comfortable with removing my clothing and getting into all of those positions! My co-worker kept telling me not to do it, but I'm not going to listen to her because I make my own choices in life! Maybe she's just a bit jealous that she's not doing it. Anyway, I had a lot of fun at the shoot, and I told Ray that if he ever want's to shoot again, I am totally down with doing more shoots!

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True Amateur Models
Approved Content Owner
Name: Mikki from
Age: 25
Employment: X-Treme Music Records
Height: 5' 05
Pictures: 800 High Resolution Pictures

My name is Mikki and I am 25 years old. I've never done nude modeling before, and I have never done any sort of pornography scenes either. I'm just a regular girl that came into contact with a photographer guy named Ray at a Heavy Metal concert the other night. Ray was standing close to me in the crowd, and I remember seeing him standing behind me, but I really didn't think much about it. I wanted to buy another beer, so I walked over to the bar to order a drink. That's when I noticed Ray following me, but I still didn't think much about it. However, when he offered to buy me a drink, I gladly accepted his offer! I mean, I don't make much money working at the music store because we specialize in selling old school Metal and Punk albums, and of course, not many people buy records anymore! But it is a cool job and my boss is a Heavy Metal / Punk Rock fan, so we have a lot in common with each other. It didn't take Ray very long to start discussing his amateur modeling shoots with me, and at first I wasn't sure if I should go naked on the internet or not. I just wouldn't want for my family and friends to see my nude pictures. That would be highly embarrassing.

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True Amateur Models
Approved Content Owner
Name: Val from
Age: 21
Height: 5' 01
Employment: Olive Garden Hostess
Pictures: 777 High-Resolution Pictures - More Coming!

My name is Val and I am 21 years old. I love working out at the gym, and while I was working out the other day, I met this guy named Ray. I was walking on the treadmill and Ray was walking on the treadmill right beside mine. We were both watching the television while we were working out and he started talking to me about the show that was on television. It was one of those game shows and we were both trying to guess what the answers to the questions. I had forgotten to bring my headphones that particular day, and instead of just walking by myself, I thought that it would be nice to talk to someone while I was working out, so I enjoyed talking to him and we had a lot of fun conversing with one another. I noticed that there was a tattoo on his arm, so I asked him about it and he told me that the tattoo was the name of his website. I really didn't think much about it at first, but then he told me that he shoots nude models for the website! I've never done any sort of nude modeling, but it is something that I've thought about before. I've just never known and photographers that would be able to shoot me.

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I mean, it's not every day that you meet someone that specializes in shooting nude modeling! I take very good care of myself, and I spend hours in the gym, so why not show off my body? His approach was very professional and polite, and since we had already been talking for a while, I felt comfortable with him, so I agreed to go over to his house the next day to do the modeling shoot! Of course, I don't normally drive over to a stranger's house, but after I saw the website and the number of models that he's shot, I knew that he was a legit photographer, so I felt okay about driving over there to do the shoot.

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True Amateur Models
Approved Content Owner
Name: Freya from
Age: 25
Height: 4' 09
Employment: Cashier
Number Of Pictures: 777 High-Resolution Pictures
Location: Tampa, FL

Hey guys! My name is Freya and I am 25 years old. I am so excited to be on a website modeling nude! It was so much fun shooting and I love how my modeling pictures turned out! I've never had nude pictures of myself before, and not only that, I am planning on shooting with Ray a few more times too, so be sure to watch out for more content coming out from me! My hobbies are going to the beach, working out over at the local gym, playing sports, and listening to music. As far as how I met Ray and became a model for his website, I was having my car looked at over at the mechanic down the street from where I live, and while I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for my car repairs to be done, Ray was the only other person in the room, and not only that, we had to wait at least 30 minutes for the work to be done, so it allowed plenty of time for Ray to discuss nude modeling with me, as well as to talk about other a lot of other things as well.

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My first impression after checking out the True Amateur Models website was ...Wow! There are so many different looking types of models on this website! I think that makes the website pretty unique, and cool to have different types of amateur girls, as opposed to having one certain type of look or something. The models are so real looking and natural. You can tell they're real amateur girls just like me. The pictures are also really clear and they consist of high-resolution images, so I am very happy with my nude modeling pictures! When Ray told me about the modeling, I really wanted to do it because I've never had nude pictures of myself in the nude before! I mean, I go to the gym and I work out hard to maintain my body, so why not show it off? Well anyway, I hope that you all enjoy my amateur nude modeling pictures!

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True Amateur Models
Approved Content Owner
Name: Emma from
Age: 25
Employment: Sub Sandwich Restaurant Cashier
Height: 5' 05
Pictures: 375 High-Resolution (2000x1500) Pictures + MANY MORE Coming!
Videos: 1 HD Nude Modeling Video

My name is Emma and I am 25 years old. I work at a sub sandwich shop and that's where I came into contact with a model photographer that told me that he shoots amateur girls modeling nude! To be honest with you, I've never really thought much about nude modeling, but when Ray showed me his site and I saw all of the girls on there, I noticed that they looked like real and everyday girls! In fact, I saw some of them that resembled the way I look, so that made me feel very comfortable with shooting. I was actually just getting ready to close the shop when Ray walked through the door. He started talking to me while I was preparing his sandwich. I remember him asking me if I enjoyed my job. I told him that it was okay, but that I want to eventually go to school to further my education. That's when he told me about his amateur modeling shoots. He told me that he shoots amateur girls modeling nude and he was wondering if I would be open to shooting sometime!

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I really didn't know what to say because at first, but once I saw the site and the models on there, that's when I told him that I would be open to shooting sometime. We scheduled the shoot for the next day and I had a lot of fun shooting! Ray told me that he specializes in shooting girls without any experience, so that made me feel good about it too because I definitely don't have any experience in nude modeling or any type of pornography either. Ray told me that he would like to shoot me again sometime, so be sure to watch out for more content coming from me! I hope that you all enjoy my pictures, and be sure to watch out for my video coming soon too!

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