True AMATEUR girls who have sex in PARTYHARDCORE !?

I'm curious about what's happening with the next party. i follow a few of the male strippers on instagam etc and they would usually post Instagram stories and facebook posts about heading to Prague but this time none of them seem to have gone. I wonder if next week we are getting and old party multicam?

At this point that would be awesome, what's the most boring one in the 40-80's, it'll be that one lol. IDK maybe we'll be super surprised and it will be 49 or 52, but it will probably be 50 though. Beating a dead horse but actually release all the cams (not ruined like the DSO's they put out now) one party each month with an old party in multi-cam, rotate through the years, i.e. Jan 05, Feb 06, Mar 07, etc. Take my money. Want to take my money harder, start a members forum and let us choose the next party and respond to customers. It doesn't seem that fucking hard. Tainster reminds me of a company I left, they were in a slow motion death spiral because they refused to acknowledge that it wasn't 5 years or a decade ago, they wouldn't even make small easy changes that really didn't cost much. I want Tainster to succeed because they have awesome content when they don't sabotage themselves. I'm sorry but Gina either needs to change or to go, she's not the right person to direct. Take a three month break and retool by watching some old quality parties. Oh well there's another rant, repeating myself, maybe there is a small chance they will pay attention to this thread.

Edit: on that last girl that Gina cockblocked, I wonder if they have something like if the girl decides to go with a stripper she gets a payment and Gina didn't want to pay.
This has been a long ongoing social examination into the human psyche whereby Tainster slowly makes changes to fuck up the site to see the change in subscription numbers. They have increased the ante over the last 2 parties by purposely removing amateur content in anticipation of the final test, PHGC 43, all dudes, all arse slamming. Will the customers continue to subscribe to the new fully gay ass slamming party? Stay tuned to find out!
This has been a long ongoing social examination into the human psyche whereby Tainster slowly makes changes to fuck up the site to see the change in subscription numbers. They have increased the ante over the last 2 parties by purposely removing amateur content in anticipation of the final test, PHGC 43, all dudes, all arse slamming. Will the customers continue to subscribe to the new fully gay ass slamming party? Stay tuned to find out!

IDK which I'd like more that or maybe 43 can be a lot of really hot amateurs that are all ready to go, but have all 4 cameras follow barrel around and have her interrupt as soon as the strippers reach for a condom. I mean both sound pretty awesome.
two favorite babe of ph gc in wdgirl...titel:one drunk day with true amateur michel and megan

i cant find video...i have only pic

pics are seen below


  • michel_part2_hd.mp4_20161024_105128.673.jpg
    135 KB · Views: 2,386
  • Sans titre.jpg
    Sans titre.jpg
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Party Hardcore
two favorite babe of ph gc in wdgirl...titel:one drunk day with true amateur michel and megan
i cant find video...i have only pic
The video is in the member-area of wdgirls. (The screenshot showing the two girls in underwear is by far the best moment of the clip)
Since it's in the member-area sharing is against the board rules and not allowed
General Board Rules
2.) Don't trade or share stolen content on the board or through PMs. This includes giving links to t-orrents, p2p sharing sites, or telling people where to go find the stolen content on the internet.

b2t: Hopefully she will be back in the next Party.
(Or at least the sexy blonde girl that has been cockblocked by the chubby woman.) The expectations are so low (since they f*** up so much) the only wish is to see at least some amateurs in action
not this completely waste of time like in the last parts (and parties)...

I don't wanna see plants in action. There are a lot cuter and hotter pro's than PH GC. There are a lot better scenes with better locations and better light than PH GC. The only interesting part of PH GC is getting amateurs
into action by getting them into the mood to do some HJ, BJ or having sex. I get it that they "need" some plants to make the amateur girls feel better or even get horny, but it's by far too often that the guys
don't even try to seduce the girls. They are going to the plants doing their thing and that's it. (Maybe a horny amateur who is ready to f*** will be forced to go into the "vip" area... Total BS)
Main reason to watch PH GC: Amateurs having sex. Things that did happen very rare in PH GC: Amateurs having sex...
Involved as in giving him a bj and getting fingered ?
I saw the pic but i didn't know it wasen't on any of the vids.

That's sad ...
Party Hardcore Gone Crazy Vol. 9 with multi cam it is.

Not the best one in the PHGC series but there could still be few interesting moments to see in this one.
Seem that if we have the PHGC 9 is because of the tireless effort of one or more guy in this thread who wanted to see their favorite amateur action :

So basically if some of you are still members you could try to ask for one party in particular to come in multi-cam.
It could be hard but if many agreed on the same party, multiple demands could also make sure of the release of one party in particular.
I have actually stopped caring about party hardcore, it’s been ruined and 2 1/2 months a party is a joke with multi cam just showing how bad it is.

I will continue to check as after 19 years it’s ingrained but I don’t expect much, this latest update just takes the biscuit
So this week multicam is INSTEAD of the regular update ?

Exactly! They already produce about 5% of the content they used to at their peak. They stopped producing DSO. There is no reason they can't release new and old parties at the same time.

The movie quote "If you build it they will come" got lost in translation here to "If you don't build it they will come".
As far as parties go this one has some great moments in the weeks ahead. Sensi is on fire seducing amateurs with his fingers and Sabby jumps on stage during a strip and just starts fucking an amateur whilst shes holding onto her friend. At first she's embarrassed but he returns to her twice more and ends up ploughing the life out of her. Plenty of amateur BJ's on stage with a reasonable number of plants. Hopefully this break is to reorganise the stage and audition better camera women. Only downside is this party had 6 parts so it will be late November before we see any new parties.
GC 9 is a good party. 2 Nice amateurs and a couple of close encounters which can be clarified in multicam. I'm thinking of the girl in the Grey dress and that chick in white that sabby tried to penetrate while her friends are pulling her away. Don't know if for the last there is a better viewpoint in multicam. Will add screencaps later to illustrate.
Don't know what to think about this party. Yes, it is great that they continue with multicam of older parties, but maybe they should first do some PH from 2008-2012 period.

As for this party, at least it is better then the majority of " Gone Crazy" period.

Two amateurs in action, not bad :

Still the question mark is about this site , we thought what they gonna release old parties in multicam there, but now I don't have a clue.
Don't know what to think about this party. Yes, it is great that they continue with multicam of older parties, but maybe they should first do some PH from 2008-2012 period.

Still the question mark is about this site , we thought what they gonna release old parties in multicam there, but now I don't have a clue.

I'd prefer an older party as well, at least as you pointed out PHGC 9 is a decent newer one. Sinx, just lol "We're almost ready... Check again every day!" I wonder if they are going for the clips4sale, mydirtyhobby model. Just let me buy old parties in multi-cam and don't ruin them with editing ffs.