Totally approve of releasing new parties in multicam... They have all the footage, why not use it.
However, doesn't this new PHGC release mean that we have to wait at least another 6 weeks until they potentially release another old party in multicam?
And let's face it, there's probably more pure gold that was left on the cutting room floor from a single episode back in the day than you would get in an entire 9 part PHGC party.
I think the re-release of old parties is largely overestimated here. Basically the main edit of the old parties covers probably 95% of the interesting action. I Found that to be proven in the re-release of party 66, which was 95% frankly just boring. Ideally they should just re-release the 5% in 1 week. Because now with 66 i Found myself looking at 95% dancing girls. Releasing new parties in multicam is Fine by me, now you can discover the party step by step.