Top 10 Not-So-Extinct Animals

Will E Worm

Top 10 Not-So-Extinct Animals

In recent weeks, both the Miller's Grizzled Langur and a giant tortoise species have returned from from presumed extinction. In their honor, TIME takes a look at other critters and creatures who have come back from the "dead"

1. Chelonoidis elephantopus Turtle

2. Miller's Grizzled Langurs
"Researchers have yet to determine how many individual Grizzled Langurs actually exist. Looks like it's time to start counting monkeys."

3. Coelacanth

4. Laotian Rock Rat

5. Mountain Pygmy-possum

6. Worcester's Buttonquail

7. Caspian Horse

8. Woolly Flying Squirrel

9. Bridled Nailtail Wallaby

10. Javan Elephants

Are white tigers rare?. I think they must be because I've only seen one and it was in a news article now long ago about how it was in a zoo and was ill. I was like "WTF? a white tiger?." I'd never heard of them untill that news article talking about the tiger being ill at the time and how it was blind in one eye. The white tiger I saw looked like a Siberian Tiger with a pot of white paint thrown over it... just the black stripes showing through the white overcoat.

I'd love to have a tiger as a pet. That could quote possibly be THE most awesome pet ever... well next to a pet T-Rex that is.

Will E Worm

Are white tigers rare?.

They are a genetic mutation. White Tiger

The white tiger is a recessive mutant of the Bengal tiger, which was reported in the wild from time to time in Assam, Bengal, Bihar and especially from the former State of Rewa.

A white tiger is caused by the homozygous occurrence of a recessive allele in the genome. Estimations show that around one in 10,000 wild Bengal tiger births will result in a white tiger.
so is this supposed to be a stab at the endangered list? like its not supposed to exist or something?


Official Checked Star Member
I always feel sorry for newly discovered animal species that have happily lived and survived with out any human contact for millions of years. They are then discovered by the likes of David Attenborough and are placed on the endangered species list and filmed and analysed to death, while a few weeks earlier they had been happily living in their own little worlds perfectly happily without any contact with man!
Very cool to see some of these making a comeback....maybe


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Supposedly there have been sightining of thycelines or Tasmanian Tigers again.

Will E Worm

what? i can never tell what you mean when you post something.

is it a knock on something, is it in support of something, do you like it or not etc. you constantly make snide and sarcastic (and much more conspiracy theorist) remarks when you post. so its hard to gauge you most of the time. theres no need to face palm me, a simple explanation of your feelings would have sufficed.

Will E Worm

what? i can never tell what you mean when you post something.

is it a knock on something, is it in support of something, do you like it or not etc. you constantly make snide and sarcastic (and much more conspiracy theorist) remarks when you post. so its hard to gauge you most of the time. theres no need to face palm me, a simple explanation of your feelings would have sufficed.

I like to keep people guessing. :D

I am in support of this. Finding animals that were thought to be extinct is a good thing.

We need more money to help preserve animals instead of watching them die out.
ok, thats more like it. and i agree with you. for once. which means the world may soon end


what the fuck you lookin at?
Are white tigers rare?. I think they must be because I've only seen one and it was in a news article now long ago about how it was in a zoo and was ill. I was like "WTF? a white tiger?." I'd never heard of them untill that news article talking about the tiger being ill at the time and how it was blind in one eye. The white tiger I saw looked like a Siberian Tiger with a pot of white paint thrown over it... just the black stripes showing through the white overcoat.

I'd love to have a tiger as a pet. That could quote possibly be THE most awesome pet ever... well next to a pet T-Rex that is.

Hell yea! I LOVE tigers, shame they are an endangered species. But to have one for a pet would be fuckin sweet! Just invite over everyone you hate for dinner! The tigers dinner that is!!! :D
I always feel sorry for newly discovered animal species that have happily lived and survived with out any human contact for millions of years. They are then discovered by the likes of David Attenborough and are placed on the endangered species list and filmed and analysed to death, while a few weeks earlier they had been happily living in their own little worlds perfectly happily without any contact with man!

I agree, Miss Red. They do need to be left alone in their natural habitat so they can grow and make a return. I love how some species are coming back, I just hope they can sustain.
Hell yea! I LOVE tigers, shame they are an endangered species. But to have one for a pet would be fuckin sweet! Just invite over everyone you hate for dinner! The tigers dinner that is!!! :D

Yip, my thoughts exactly.

There would be a sign in the garden "tresspassers will be eaten" and it would be a laugh to see who would try and call the bluff of that sign and live to tell.

A couple of ideal names for the Tiger could be "Cuddles" or "Seek 'em!" as that's what you'd should most of the time.