B BlueBalls Dead Jun 16, 2009 #2 I suspect that guy got his ass royally kicked once those guys recovered.
Skyraider22 The One and Only Big Daddy Jun 16, 2009 #4 :1orglaughHa Ha Ha :1orglaugh sucks to be those guys
rabid_2250 Jun 16, 2009 #5 Looks like the guy second from the end (covering his nuts) is in most trouble. I think he's going to need more than his hands for protection.
Looks like the guy second from the end (covering his nuts) is in most trouble. I think he's going to need more than his hands for protection.
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Jun 16, 2009 #6 And you wonder why there are so many cross-eyed, missing tooth, extra couple chromosone individuals walking around Wal-Mart...these people had off-spring
And you wonder why there are so many cross-eyed, missing tooth, extra couple chromosone individuals walking around Wal-Mart...these people had off-spring