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To all you conservatives : Sam, Will, meester, heartbroker, etc...

I think you guys made it clear : Obama has everything imaginable flaws and not a single quality, he's 100% responsible for verything that goes wrong in the US and he is not at all involved in everything that goes well.
In fact, it is a miracle that, even after 4 years of Obama, some things are still goig well in the US. My though is that the Republican majority in the Chamber prevented American from a total collapse. God bless them !

Now, can you explain to us, mind-less liberals, what makes you think Romney will do better ?
In his program, which policies will make the american people better of during the next 4 years than they are now ?

Except that he is not Obama, not a democrat but a republican, except the fact that he's the one that can prevent the US from 4 more years of Obama, why should voters vote for Romney ?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Obama is so fucking inept I'm surprised he made his way out of the birth canal and figured out how to breathe on his own. The guy has never accomplished anything in his life, in fact he's so fucking stupid and incompetent that every year on his birthday his age goes down a year. Biggest flop in the history of flopping.

(/sarcasm for anyone that took that literally.)
Obama is so fucking inept I'm surprised he made his way out of the birth canal and figured out how to breathe on his own. The guy has never accomplished anything in his life, in fact he's so fucking stupid and incompetent that every year on his birthday his age goes down a year. Biggest flop in the history of flopping.

(/sarcasm for anyone that took that literally.)

I love pretending to be the other side. My turn: It is vital that Obama not be re-elected because he will be completely unconstrained in his second term and will begin to fully implement his socialist/communist/muslim/atheist/sith agenda. Obama will make it illegal to be a Christian, confiscate all guns and Bibles, outlaw heterosexual marriage and it will be mandated by law that 50% of pregnancies must be aborted while the other 50% must be carried to term and the babies given to gay couples.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Little known fact: Obama has done such a terrible job, every country in the world has actually emptied their nuclear arsenals at our lands. Our power of prayer has kept the missiles at bay.
I think you guys made it clear : Obama has everything imaginable flaws and not a single quality, he's 100% responsible for verything that goes wrong in the US and he is not at all involved in everything that goes well.
In fact, it is a miracle that, even after 4 years of Obama, some things are still goig well in the US. My though is that the Republican majority in the Chamber prevented American from a total collapse. God bless them !

Now, can you explain to us, mind-less liberals, what makes you think Romney will do better ?
In his program, which policies will make the american people better of during the next 4 years than they are now ?

Except that he is not Obama, not a democrat but a republican, except the fact that he's the one that can prevent the US from 4 more years of Obama, why should voters vote for Romney ?

Johan, you asked. So, here it is.

US Congress opens under Democratic control
By Patrick Martin
7 January 2009

The 111th Congress opened Tuesday with the Democratic Party in firm control of both houses. Nancy Pelosi was reelected Speaker of the House of Representatives by a margin of 255 to 174, reflecting the 21-seat gain made by the Democrats in the November 4 elections.

The Democrats hold 256 House seats to 178 for the Republicans, with one seat vacated by Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, who will be White House chief of staff in the Obama administration. The open seat in northwest Chicago will undoubtedly be filled by a Democrat in a special election, giving the Democrats a total of 257 seats.

In the Senate, an incoming group of 34 took the oath of office from outgoing vice president Dick Cheney. These included five new Democratic senators who replaced or defeated Republicans, giving the Democrats a 55 to 41 majority, with two independents who vote with the Democrats, and two vacancies, both likely to be filled by Democrats. That would give the Democrats an effective 59-41 majority.

The Democratic congressional leadership has bemoaned its failure to reach the 60-vote margin in the Senate required to overcome a filibuster, in order to excuse in advance the right-wing policies that will be pursued by the Obama administration.

Obama himself has gone even further, in the name of “bipartisanship,” claiming he needs to get 80 votes in the Senate for his stimulus plan, thus insuring that the right wing of the Republican Party has veto power over economic policy, despite the repudiation of the Republicans at the polls two months ago.

This so-called 60-vote threshold, while discussed endlessly by the media, is a transparent pretext for Obama abandoning the reformist pretenses of his election campaign on issues like health care, education, the environment and increasing taxes on the wealthy.

In reality, the Democrats enjoy top-heavy majorities that would allow them to enact policies without a single Republican vote. The Democratic majority in the House is the largest for either party since 1994. The Democratic majority in the Senate is the largest for either party since 1978.

During the 12 years of Republican control of the House, from 1995 to 2006, the Republican majority ranged between 221 and 230 out of 435 seats, far less than the incoming Democratic majority. The Republicans prevailed on virtually every policy question not because of their numbers, because they were more determined and ruthless in serving the interests of the US ruling elite.

The Democrats are equally subservient to the dictates of the corporate oligarchy, but they play a different role, acting as the safety valve for popular discontent and posturing as the defenders of working people and the poor, while opposing any measures that would genuinely help the vast majority of the population. This is what lends a two-faced and half-hearted character to their political performance, both in opposition and in power.

For example, the Democratic majority in the last Congress—larger than the Republican majority that impeached President Clinton—failed to take any action against the crimes of the Bush administration. There was no cutoff of funds for the war in Iraq, and Congress did not even mount a major investigation into such events as the launching of the illegal war, the promotion of an official policy of torture, or the government response to Hurricane Katrina.

The Democratic Party's spinelessness in the face of Republican opposition, or even criticism, was demonstrated at the opening session of the Senate regarding the vacancies that resulted from the decision of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to bar two Democrats from taking seats to which they were legally entitled.

One vacancy was created by the resignation of Barack Obama after his election as president. On December 30, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich nominated the former state attorney general, 71-year-old Roland Burris, to fill the vacancy. Reid instructed Senate personnel not to seat Burris because of the criminal charges brought against Blagojevich, which include the claim that he sought to sell the Senate appointment.

No indictment has yet been brought against the governor, despite massive publicity given to the charges filed by US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. Last week Fitzgerald asked a federal judge to give him an additional 90 days before seeking a grand jury indictment, an indication that the case against Blagojevich is less than solid.

While the Democratic-controlled Illinois state legislature has begun hearings on a possible impeachment of Blagojevich, no action has been taken and he continues to exercise all the powers of his office, including those related to federal elections, most recently, in setting the date for a special election to fill the seat of Rep. Rahm Emanuel, who will be Obama’s chief of staff.

While most legal experts cited in the media agree that the governor’s appointment of Burris is within his powers, and there has been no allegation of corrupt relations between Burris, who has been out of office for six years, and Blagojevich, Reid and the Senate Democratic leadership are frightened of the Republican and media barrage that would follow the seating of Burris.

The other Senate vacancy is an even clearer demonstration of political cowardice. It is the result of the protracted recount of the election in Minnesota, which ended Monday with the state canvassing board declaring Democrat Al Franken the victor over incumbent Republican Norm Coleman, by a margin of 225 votes, with 1,212,431 votes for Franken and 1,212,206 for Coleman.

In the normal course of events, such an action would be definitive. Franken would be seated, while Coleman pursues an appeal through the state courts, as is his right. Such a procedure was followed most recently in 1997, when Democrat Mary Landrieu was seated as the senator from Louisiana, while her Republican opponent pursued an unsuccessful court challenge. Notably, Landrieu’s seating required the consent of then Majority Leader Trent Lott, a Republican from Mississippi, because the Republicans controlled the Senate.

Today, a Democratic majority has decided not to seat an elected Democrat in deference to the court challenge filed by his defeated Republican opponent. Reid cited Republican threats of filibusters and other procedural delays as one reason for refusing to seat Franken immediately as the senator from Minnesota.

An attorney for Coleman indicated that the Republican senator would cite the Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore as part of his appeal. He will be making an argument that because different counties in Minnesota used different standards to decide on whether to accept or reject challenged absentee ballots, the state election process is a violation of equal protection provisions—the same argument made by the Bush campaign in Florida in 2000.
I asked for your opinion. Not Patrick Martin's or Nancy Pelosi's opinion, yours. Don't you have an opinion of your own ? A mind of your own ?
Also, I asked you about Romney's and Ryan's policies and your answer is a 3 and 1/2 years old article.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
To how the republicans like to serve their country:


Will E Worm

Do not label me a modern day "conservative". I am not.

I am a Constitutionalist.

The Constitution, the Supreme Law of the land.

Not the "supreme" court.

I love pretending to be the other side. My turn: It is vital that Obama not be re-elected because he will be completely unconstrained in his second term and will begin to fully implement his socialist/communist/muslim/atheist/sith agenda. Obama will make it illegal to be a Christian, confiscate all guns and Bibles, outlaw heterosexual marriage and it will be mandated by law that 50% of pregnancies must be aborted while the other 50% must be carried to term and the babies given to gay couples.

Yak is correct. Whether or not he was joking. Obama will be albe to do much more in a second term and will not have to worry about reelection. He has to go for that reason.


Look at the up side down stars. They are pentagrams.

Hidden Mystries Link

I'm not endorsing everything in the link. It's a good start.


"Power of prayer"? Seriously?

That's right, the Power of Prayer. What are you. some kind of heathen? I bet you think that women should have control over their own bodies too. Y'know, you're the reason that soldiers get shot and interest rates go up. Well,....... you and all the fags.

Someone please tell the AntiChrist to pay his tab and GTFO. We gots prayn' to do.
Do not label me a modern day "conservative". I am not.

I am a Constitutionalist.

The Constitution, the Supreme Law of the land.

Not the "supreme" court.

Yak is correct. Whether or not he was joking. Obama will be albe to do much more in a second term and will not have to worry about reelection. He has to go for that reason.

Look at the up side down stars. They are pentagrams.

Hidden Mystries Link

I'm not endorsing everything in the link. It's a good start.

The constitution as YOU see it. Which I might say tends to be very self serving.


Hiliary 2020
Do not label me a modern day "conservative". I am not.


i am a post-neo progressive moderate socio-economic conservative with a dash of libertarianism just for good measure.

Johan, I don't know what the hell romney is gonna do. most All politicians don't come through with their promises.
If he repeals Obummercare that's good enough for me.

Understand, I have learned all i could about obama since i first realized he may have a shot at PREZ back in 07, and I don't like any of it.
That combined with what he's said and done since he became PREZ and I have grown to actually fear him........that's way beyond dislike.

So I would rather have a dead dog in office than him.
Vote for Obama and get more of..... this:

Vote for Obama and get more of..... this:

You mean, there will be more assholes who don't have a clue about the meaning of being poor, about what it is like to live with minimum wage, to be forced to choose between getting your son to the doctor or buying food or the family, to take pills to ease your wrist pain because you can't afford not to work even if the doctor told you that you have to rest if you want to heal, more of this kind of assholes blaming on the government to care about those in need and blaming them 'cause they are to lazy to get a job ?
Many of them do have a job, sometimes even two. But theses jobs have so low salaries that themoney these people earned is not enough for them to take care of their families.

The guy is right about one thing : people are being ensalved. But not by the government. By the econmy, by Wall Street, by companies making more and more money but firing more and more people, by banks and asset management companies.
Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Barclay's, Goldman Sachs, Allianz, HSBC, ING, Deutsche Bank, etc... these are the names of some of those which are enslaving people.

When Biden said that Romney's gonna put americans "back in chains", he was wrong. They (as for 80% of the world's population) are already in chains. What Romney will jut tighten the chains and allow the masters to whip the slaves
Without having to think too hard about it, and in the little bit of time I got before taking off for work all I can say is:

I doubt any American ambassadors will get killed in a war torn country because they were refused additional security.

And as Meester said above, as long as he repeals the healthcare "reform" law and bring about free market based solutions to the cost of health care, that should be good enough for me. Now, I heard Mr. Mittens say that he would repeal that law but leave the most "popular" parts of it intact, like coverage for pre-existing conditions and being able to keep your 26 year old "kids" in your health plan, but as long as he repeals the 16,000 additional IRS agents and the mandate, I think there can be some kind of compromise.

Now, Mr. Mittens does have a record and experience as MA gov. and as a businessman. You guys on the left may not like it but at least he had some. What was Obummer's record to begin with? What experience did he bring into his current job? :dunno:
I am a doctor and owner of 2 small businesses, and a Conservative. Why would I vote for a Muslim Socialist as President? If Obama wins re-election, my personal taxes go up $28,000. That's $28K more out of my own pocket I have to pay for Obama Phones and entitlement programs. That's $28K more I have to pay on top of the other 6-digit personal taxes I pay already. Not to mention the increase in Capital Gains Tax, increase in Payroll Taxes, decrease in business write-offs and depreciation that I have to pay on the business side of things. PLUS, include any expense and/or penalty I will have to pay for Obamacare. Nobody knows what the hell that will be because NO ONE READ THE DAMN THING! On top of all this BS, being a doctor, my salary will go down and I won't be able to offer my patients the best of care because I will be restricted through Obamacare (read an AMA Journal if you can comprehend and then you will see why almost 90% of us docs want to quit). I sacrificed 1/3 of my life in school and risked hundreds-of-thousands in loans to get to where I am financially, AND some Kenyan named Barry Soetoro, er, Barrack Hussein Obama wants to punish me for my sacrifice and hard work? Fuck him and fuck you for voting for him!
PlumpRump and Bob are the only conservative on this board who you can have a smart political discussion with. Meester, Will and Sam, take notes from them