I'm not sure I want to give too much comment on the topic at hand, mostly for the reason that I don't want to have the thread derailed. So.... I'll say one thing. Yes Maley, I know exactly what you meant, and yes it is offensive. If I'm not your type of girl, then don't compliment me, don't ask me for fan signs because a fan sign is for a FAN of ME. For someone who doesn't dislike me in any way, shape or form. And Happy... I heart you. But I do have to ask, are you aware of what it is maleonetwo is referring to about me not being his type of girl?
In any case, I don't want to derail the thread, so perhaps this conversation should be done privately. Or have a new thread about it. Or something. I feel like a jerk when threads get derailed because of something involving me.
Well, that's pretty crystal clear.