Time Travel... is it possible? This man thinks so.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement


Prince of the Rotten Milk
I love time-travel movies!!!

i hope some day they all become a reality.

well, maybe not all of them (who the fuck wants to be eaten by a dinosaur anyway), but i would love to see something like going into the past to give me tips to be succesful


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Pah! These Canadians and their "firewood".

Mmmmmm lovely central heating. The carbon dioxide is so moreish.


Yeah, carbon monoxide is great. You can use it to suffocate yourself when you see how much your heating bill is. :thumbsup:


My Penis Is Dancing!
Earth is traveling around the sun at roughly 18.5 miles per second.
The sun is traveling through the Milky Way at around 225 kilometers per second.
Some estimates put the Milky Way's speed at 600 kilometers per second.
(all of these speeds, of course, are heavily argued, but let's just use them as an example).

Let's say I do build a time machine, and I do figure out how to get it to transport 70 years into the past...do I end up in this exact spot in space 70 years ago (most likely, this spot in space was completely empty 70 years ago), or do I somehow end up on Earth in that spot 70 years in the past?
Absolutely you can travel through time... especially into the future. All you have to do is travel near the speed of light, as space-time is relative. Traveling into the "past" is a little more dicey...
i thought this was proved when the enterprise sling-shot around the sun? :dunno:

in any case, i traveled to the future once, and saw my retired self. I age well, if I do say so.
Nothing that we know of can travel faster than light....so going backwards doesn't seem feasable...however, as you approach the speed of light, time stops, so it is theoretically possible to travel into the future...or at least remain ageless. WEIRD:rolleyes: But I'm sure people in the past thought flying was an impossible dream then...look now!!!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Nothing that we know of can travel faster than light....

What about Superman? He was so fast he made the world go back in time! In fact, he was so fast, he canceled out time travel for himself! Now that is just plain awesome... Except for the folks in the astrology business. He probably caused all sorts of problems for them, what with all the stars being two hours behind and all.
How does time stop when approaching the speed of light. Isn't "time" a constant? I think it would appear to stop, and your atoms or whatnot would react in a different way, but time would still be going at it's normal speed.

Also, I don't see how time travel could be possible, because to me, the universe, at every trillionth of a second(or smaller) is in a set state. Quarks are in a set spot in that moment, as are atoms, molecules, people, planets, fish everything.

If there were some godlike being, outside of the constraints of time that could take a snapshot of every moment(every trillionth of a second), how can traveling forward or backwards in time be possible? Or simply put, how can you do something you never did, or not do something that you did? It seems like if either of those occured, you'd be destroying a universe, because what existed at one moment in a particular point in time no longer exists at that point.

I thinkk parallel universes are possible however. What would appear to be time travel would be going parallel into a universe that resembles our own. Something would be different however and if a person found out what it is, they'd automatically think "oh i changed my past/future" when they actually didn't

Oh I could go on. I love talking about sci fi stuff.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Nothing that we know of can travel faster than light....so going backwards doesn't seem feasable...however, as you approach the speed of light, time stops, so it is theoretically possible to travel into the future...or at least remain ageless. WEIRD:rolleyes: But I'm sure people in the past thought flying was an impossible dream then...look now!!!

Actually, it is being found out this is not true...prepare to have your mind blown.
Actually, it is being found out this is not true...prepare to have your mind blown.

Actually, I don't think this disproves it. The article makes no mention of whether time stops or not as you approach the speed of light. It just states that they made light go gackwards and faster than the "speed of light,' but it is still light traveling faster

It also stated that according to Einstein, information cannot travel faster than light, and this was not information.

Anyway, when I first heard about time travel, I thought it was ridiculous. But it certainly caught my interest to read about it. I found that it has actually been proven, that the faster you travel, the less you age as time slows down.

"An historic flight

There are other ways, however, to put his ideas to the test. How do we know Einstein had it right? One experiment in the 1970s provided some pretty strong evidence:

Atomic clocks are extremely accurate clocks that can measure tiny amounts of time—billionths of a second. In 1971, scientists used these clocks to test Einstein's ideas. One atomic clock was set up on the ground, while another was sent around the world on a jet traveling at 600 mph. At the start, both clocks showed exactly the same time.

What happened when the clock flown around the world returned to the spot where the other clock was? As Einstein had predicted in a general way, the clocks no longer showed the same time—the clock on the jet was behind by a few billionths of a second. Why such a small difference? Well, 600 mph is fast but still just the tiniest fraction of the speed of light. To see any significant differences in time, you'd have to be traveling many millions of miles an hour faster."
