Tim Russert dies

He was a genuinely talented man and a great patriot. He was fair and "down-the-road." This was a shocking loss. Sunday mornings and American political discourse won't be the same for the next 20 years...

I actually think Joe Scarborough would be a great replacement on "Meet the Press." THough he was a former Pub Congressman, I like his work on MSNBC. John King of CNN would be an excellent replacement choice too. Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann are very intelligent and could handle the preparation aspect fine, even I'd have to admit that those two are Center/Left leaners. They would be tougher on Pubs.
Always respected Russert. When I heard about his death a few days ago, it made me think of how many political reporters there really were out there who were as "middle of the road" as Russert. Whatever his personal views, he was equally tough on everybody regardless of affiliation. I tend to be "middle of the road" myself, and I appreciated Russert as somewhat of a "safe harbor" in the sea of blowhard politicos.


Sam Donaldson, like him or not, had very much the same type of tenacity as the late Mr. Russert, sort of an equal op. interrogator. Tim Russert is irreplaceable, no question. :(

What's Sam up to lately ? kickin' it on his ranch ?
It will never be the same with a whiney pundit like Mathews on the show. :2 cents: BTW, if any of you missed the interview with Dean, it was quite comical. Dean really is the biggest douche bag in modern American politics. Russert sure tore him a new one. ;)


For the love of God I hope he's not the one that replaces Russert...

...and that probably means he's going to get it.

Didn't Matthews make claim that a little bitty something was furrowing up his leg due to excitement and fanfare for obama ?

Yea, here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m9Gbb6NSwM

Matthews is too much of a blowhard "replace" Russert. Matthews is famous for asking questions, allowing his guest 7 - 10 seconds to answer and comes back with another unrelated query as if he'd completely disregarded the answer to his initial query. Matthews is sort of a puss too


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Tim who?


Postal Paranoiac
I used to dig the way his expression never changed, no matter who was on the panel that week, or what the topic was. He'd just sit there and launch these hardball questions with the same demeanor he'd have at a birthday party. Now THAT'S journalism. He will be missed--but not by anybody hiding anything.
He was an excellent journalist who was very objective and didn't veer to the left or right when interviewing politicians. Whoever replaces him on Meet the Press, has some very big shoes to fill...

RIP Mr. Russert.