Tia Bella

BNF said:
I there was more interest, I'd take the time to merge some of them together, but really she seldom comes up anymore.

Which is a shame, actually. She's the whole package :thumbsup:
Thanks for the link BNF! Never saw that thread either.
Re: Tia Bella

Dunno if that link works man


This is 4 all Tia Bella fans particularly WC-Madman. I just found some of the best Tia Bella video clips I’ve ever seen. Cheer and enjoy!! Merry Christmas. And don’t forget to thank the angel that delivered them to us in time 4 Xmas.

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thanks all for the TIA BELLA links , to be honest with you this is wierd i have been looking a way to write her like a fan club because i'm in LOVE with her honestly i want to marry her she is a goddess (Christina Smith) she is smart to went to school for history .
john kent