THREAD FIXES: Merging - Moving - Title Changes - Post Deleting

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Re: Threads to merge and title changes.

FYI, if anyone has not noticed, the title of this thread has been changed to Threads to merge and title changes.

We had a thread for title changes, but after 18 months, only 40 something posts, plus the fact that I never noticed that thread until last night, I closed that thread.

It just makes better sense seeing as how everyone was posting title change requests in this thread anyway.


Staff member

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Re: Threads to merge and title changes.


We do not merge threads in the ID section. When a member creates multiple ID requests on the same woman, we delete all the duplicate requests and leave the original request, or leave the request which got the first answer.

Some members that see these will report them as they should. Others just answer them all, but when we see these, we still delete all but one.


Skateboard P

Now dats nutty!
Re: Threads to merge and title changes.

We do not merge threads in the ID section. When a member creates multiple ID requests on the same woman, we delete all the duplicate requests and leave the original request, or leave the request which got the first answer.

Some members that see these will report them as they should. Others just answer them all, but when we see these, we still delete all but one.

OK, got it :thumbsup: