i wish i had me a sasquatch that attacked on command.
i already do. he is in my pants.

i wish i had me a sasquatch that attacked on command.
Hey guys, check out the producer list and look what's on the way.
Ray Stevenson (Titus Pullo from HBO's Rome) is replacing Thomas Jane in the title role in Punisher 2, and Kevin McKidd (his costar who played Marcus Vorenus from Rome) may be cast as Thor for that movie.
Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright (the star and director of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz) are doing the Ant-Man movie.
A Green Arrow movie script is in the works, tentatively called Super Max. It deals with Green Arrow being taken down by the police for his vigilante activities and forced to survive in prison with some of the DCU's deadliest supervillains, many of whom he put there in the first place.
Well i still think Green Lantern needs his day in the sun as well. He is my fav so yes I'm biased. I heart Thor but I just don't see them doing it right at all.
Heh, I remember when people were saying that Jack Black was to play GL....oh what a nightmare that would have been....
Anyways, concerning Thor, he's got to be done 100% right (the god half of him at least), otherwise the movie will be seriously fucked up. Still, if they do it right (which I'm hoping they will), then all they've gotta do is create a Captain America movie, make sure the Hulk's second film as well as Iron Man's film are successes, and we could have ourselves a real bonafide Avengers movie! It would be totally badass, as long as the characters are done correctly in their respective movies.
Yeah,good luck with that.when's the last time one of these comic movies from Marvel was done correctly?Spider-Man 2 is the best of all of the movies Marvel has been associated with and it has minor story flaws.I think Ironman will be pretty good but I also think that the hard core Ironman fans will pick it apart for story flaws.The new Punisher will suck just as hard as the last one,and I don't even know why they are redoing the Hulk so soon.Thor has the luxury of having large popularity without a lot of people really knowing the origin or true story of Thor.So knowing that,and knowing Hollywood,expect Thor to get fucked royally with story changes.
What we really need is more rated R comic movie like Sin City was.I vote for a Gendel movie,and the beauty of it is that there are soo many story arcs that they can pick and choose any one of them and pretty mach strike gold.I would go with the Devil By The Deed storyline.Of course people would gripe that he looks too much like Venom,but what can you do.
In fact, most of these comic books shouldn't be too hard to adapt to films, but most directors and writers feel the unnecessary need to leave their own mark on the characters. It's pretty sad when the 25 to 30 page comic books tell a better story than the movies.
Too true.
I do dissagree about Spider-Man.The second movie is by far the best of the franchise on so many levels.As far as the Hulk goes,I just feel like they should wait a little longer to revamp it,and who is the Hulk's villian gonna be?
Why can't these filmmakers learn from Chistopher Nolan?If you are gonna make a comic book movie,make a good one.
I've never understood why Thor was so popular..
I mean, he's a guy with wings on his feet, for God's sake.
That's Namor the Sub Mariner.
I've never understood why Thor was so popular.
who's playing thor??????????