this is what I hate about porn


1) When, during doggiestyle, or whenever for that matter, the guy puts his foot on the girl's head.

2) Whenever the guy appears to choke or strangle the girl.

I don't understand why respect for women should go out the window in this business.
So long as you keep your dick clean whats the big issue?! lol. Especially if it's your gf wanting to kiss you, it's the least you could do for her since shes just sucked your dick.
The only thing I'd be against is what iamforever said, wouldn't be into snow balling.

I have to go with you guys on this one. However, I do find kissing after going down on a chick less appealing.
Gotta agree with what Pierre Woodman said in an interview once - in American porn anyway there seems to be an over emphasis on always finishing with a facial moneyshot. I am (of course) not opposed to this in any way, love it in fact, but there are plenty of other viable options.

Also, over-acting gets to me. Is anybody really convinced by an over the top screaming orgasm? If I hear one more monotone "Oh yeah, That's my pussy, do you like my pussy?" I am going to shoot someones cat.

She should spend less time thinking about what she's gonna say and more time thinking about how she's getting torn up. If that ends up in merely satisfied whimpers and moans - so much the better.

If that other sort of thing does it for everyone else that's fine. Let the market dictate. I can still find plenty of other porn not like this. Just my personal porn peeves.

IMHO I would like to see more situational creativity. It's not about trying to win an Oscar but about setting a tone. The most important sexual organ is the brain. I wish porn would do a better job of stroking my brain.
personally, i see no problem with kissing after oral...whether its her goin down on me or the other way can actually be pretty hot

and in porn, there are definitely worse things