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this asshole actually has a website


WRONG. I'll never "learn to deal" with an ignorant, misinformed fuck who unequivocally states that the men and women who wear the uniform of one of our armed services is better off dead.

While he has every right to express himself - and let me remind you both, the men and women who put on a uniform, who stand a post, and who make the ultimate sacrifice, guaranteed this fucking ass that very freedom - there is such a thing as decorum and diplomacy.

How would either of you two gentlemen like it if some fucktard like this fucking idiot plainly and irrevocably stated that the both of you (or your loved ones) should die because of, say, your hair color? ... or the clothes you wear? ... or the foods that you eat?

The two of you need to understand and realize that, while he has every right under the very Constitution that those men and women so valiantly defend and die for, the words that he speaks are nothing but the purest of unmitigated filth and represent the most basest of hatred, and the utmost in ignorance.

He deserves to have the living dog-shit beat out of him until he cries for his mommy.

Agree ... or disagree. I don't really give a rat's ass, quite frankly. I'm tired of seeing our men and women - hell, our fucking kids, people! - abused, castigated, shunned, and maligned by nothing more than liberalistic, tree-hugging, 'non-violent' wanna-be hippies who haven't the slightest idea of what it means to stand a post or sacrifice anything more than next Sunday's Variety.

Those kids wear those uniforms for a reason. They volunteered. They stand with pride in knowing that they defend the very rights and freedoms of losers like this pogey-bait eating, lazy-ass, uneducated, ignorant REMF.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go smoke a cigarette. I've read enough of this bullshit to last me for awhile, thank you very much. :hatsoff:
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If you ask for the thread to be deleted, you will have asked for censorship of not only your own point of view, but that of the rest of us as well - those who both agree with you and disagree. Plus you will be more or less stepping back from your own position on the matter; what's at stake here is freedom of expression/speech, both by the idiot who runs that hateful website and also OUR freedom of expression to discuss his lunacy here.

I hope the mods do not delete this thread, especially since many of us have spent a good deal of time and thought in our posts here and no one is flaming each other.

It's good and healthy to discuss controversial topics like this, and I find it all the more admirable that we board members have done so here without anyone insulting anyone for voicing their opinions.

Hint hint, everyone - the guy has a forum (see left-hand side of the page)... An idea would be for us to go join up and barrage the forum with our thoughts on his ignorance... Just a thought...hehehe

Cheers to this thread. May it not be closed or deleted!!! :hatsoff: :thumbsup: :2 cents:

domshooter said:
ok, i realized my mistake, im gonna ask a mod to delete the thread foe me. thanks for ur input ya'll
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Nightfly said:
If you ask for the thread to be deleted, you will have asked for censorship of not only your own point of view, but that of the rest of us as well - those who both agree with you and disagree. Plus you will be more or less stepping back from your own position on the matter; what's at stake here is freedom of expression/speech, both by the idiot who runs that hateful website and also OUR freedom of expression to discuss his lunacy here.

I hope the mods do not delete this thread, especially since many of us have spent a good deal of time and thought in our posts here and no one is flaming each other.

It's good and healthy to discuss controversial topics like this, and I find it all the more admirable that we board members have done so here without anyone insulting anyone for voicing their opinions.

Hint hint, everyone - the guy has a forum (see left-hand side of the page)... An idea would be for us to go join up and barrage the forum with our thoughts on his ignorance... Just a thought...hehehe

Cheers to this thread. May it not be closed or deleted!!! :hatsoff: :thumbsup: :2 cents:

I wont click back on that link again, but when I was at his page for the first and last time a while ago, he censors his own page like crazy. No comments or anything unless he approves them.

All censorships issues aside, this seriously makes you wonder how a person can have morals so fucked up that you enjoy deaths of others and actually not just the deaths but enjoy causing other people stress knowing that their dead loved ones are being abused so to say. I've met pyschopaths and murderers who are fucked up, but not that bad and they can at least claim a valid reason for why they did what they did, unlike this idiot who could only make a bigger ass of himself when he got embarassed on tv, because he can't even explain his own cause.

Who knows maybe mommy stopped breast feeding him too early, maybe daddy didn't spend enough time with him or didn't take him to that ball game and this is his cry for attention. :dunno:
wrote something but re-reading it, I realised I was off topic.
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Wow... Hard to know exactly how to respond to something like this...

I suppose more than anything I'm struck by the irony of this person's (and I use 'person' very generously in this case.) thought processes. He says that our troops 'have done nothing' to deserve their pensions and our support, and yet, it is EXACTLY what they have done that gives him the right to speak his rubbish.

It never ceases to amaze me that the people who bash the military are the same people that scream and whine about 'their rights' at the least little provocation. Do they not realize that WITHOUT our military, they would have NO rights...we would have NO Constitution?

Without brave men and women, we may still be under British rule, or Spanish, or German, or Japanese... We might have no Constitution, no Bill of Rights. The very thing that our men and women in uniform fight to defend is the right for people like this one to speak and act the way they do.

It makes me sad...it makes me angry...it makes me laugh at the narrow-minded, short-sightedness.

It also makes me believe more and more that our education system is partly to blame. Our schools don't teach history anymore...and what they DO teach is a watered down, politically correct version of it.

I think another problem is what or who we choose to to view as heroes. Nowadays, a man is a hero because he can shoot a ball in a hole, or catch a ball, or hit a ball. A woman is a hero because she can remember words and say them with feeling. A group of individuals are heroes because they can play music that we like. What a bunch of crap...

To me, a hero is someone who is unselfish, who makes a sacrifice for others, who holds true to principles, who does what is right...not what is easy. The men and women, past and present, who have served this nation with honor and bravery, they are my heroes...be they soldiers, sailors, policemen, firemen...etc. Men like Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, MLK Jr., Pope John Paul II...they are heroes. Guys like Colonel, Death Blooms, Saint and any other of our board members who have served...YOU are my heroes.

In closing...I went to the site in question to check something before posting this...and apparently the site is either closed or down...to which I say...Huzzah! ;)
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Nightfly said:
So do you not believe he has a right to speak his (hateful and small-minded) opinions as guaranteed by the USA's Constitution and the First Amendment?

I'm certainly not saying I agree with his speech, but rather his right to exercise his freedom of speech. If you guys lock him up in a room and beat the hell out of him, then you would be proving him right, you know... :2 cents:
I most certainly DO believe that he has the right to say what he wants. The Constitution protects that right. Soldiers however, uphold and defend the Constitution, while this fuck dry humps the greeters at Wal Mart. When I was in, I did alot of things I didn't agree with, but that was my job, my duty. And to read that this fuck doesn't care about what me and my fellow 'heads go through, and actually wishes us dead? I'd honestly love to be the one that shoulders that M82A1 and plants a .50 through his fucking skull at about 500 yards or so.
Fuck him and everyone like him. I just thought that some of the more intelligent ppl here wasted words on him...


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Syndrome said:
This site was clearly made for the sole reason of just pissing people off, for the war and against the war. Its yet again another persons effort to get a rise out of someone. I honestly wouldn't give it much thought, its not worth it.

I can't get either site to come up (just times out) but I think I get the idea. I agree with Syndrome here. I am against the war but support our troops 100%. This guy isn't worth the gunpowder to blow him to hell.

********** said:
First of all: it is NOT cowardly to be anti-war. In such a pro-war country as America, where every SUV and Minivan sports a "support our troops" magnet... well, it's fucking tough. I feel like I'm swimming against the current, going against the subtly ENFORCED sheep mentality, I say subtly enforced because while no-one tells you how to think in America, if you don't think the way the majority thinks or appears to think, you can get some serious trouble and some ass kickings and what not.

So I think it's a brave action to be an anti-war protester especially in modern day America. Such a top ranking general calling us pussies is like... affirming the stereotype of the machismo and sexism and bravado of military men.


Again, I wholeheartedly agree with you here. The second part about the wives... not so much but I get what your saying.

It indeed takes bravery to disagree with a lot of the Right Wing Christian fantics driving around in their Monster SUV-Tanks with 20 Pro-war stickers plastered to the back of their cars.

Now I heard someone call me something along the lines of tree hugging hippie. Why, because I think that no one can justify killing another human? I thought that the whole reason people were getting upset here was because the view that this person made this site with appeared to be purely ignorant. When I say that no human has the right to take anothers life I'm not saying that the troops are responsible for all the death in Iraq. No there's blame on all sides here. Blood is red no mater where its spilled. It is indeed possibly to support our troops without supporting the war. Which is what IMO i'm doing. I mean if Violence solved anything we wouldn't be having this conversation.

But why are we arguing amongst eash other over something like the rights we all enjoy?Winston Churchill once said "The first casualty of war is truth". Politicians arent fighting this war but they sure did want it pretty damn bad. But the working class men and weman, like me and you, are fighting this war. And its with that mentality why one of the reasons I disagree with the war. I respect your decision to be pro-war. Please note that I haven't got offended and called you any names. You may think of me as a coward but I'll sure as hell stand up for what I think.
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yea i think someone pulled his page. i cant get to it anymore. so, this thread doesnt need to be deleted, and we can keep talk bout the subject if theres any smart thoughts left in those heads


Syndrome said:
Now I heard someone call me something along the lines of tree hugging hippie. Why, because I think that no one can justify killing another human? I thought that the whole reason people were getting upset here was because the view that this person made this site with appeared to be purely ignorant. When I say that no human has the right to take anothers life I'm not saying that the troops are responsible for all the death in Iraq. No there's blame on all sides here. Blood is red no mater where its spilled. It is indeed possibly to support our troops without supporting the war. Which is what IMO i'm doing. I mean if Violence solved anything we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Read my post again. No one called you a tree-hugging hippie, Syndrome; you're jumping the gun without checking your facts. You misread it.

AsianxxxChick said:
WRONG. I'll never "learn to deal" with an ignorant, misinformed fuck who unequivocally states that the men and women who wear the uniform of one of our armed services is better off dead.

While he has every right to express himself - and let me remind you both, the men and women who put on a uniform, who stand a post, and who make the ultimate sacrifice, guaranteed this fucking ass that very freedom - there is such a thing as decorum and diplomacy.

How would either of you two gentlemen like it if some fucktard like this fucking idiot plainly and irrevocably stated that the both of you (or your loved ones) should die because of, say, your hair color? ... or the clothes you wear? ... or the foods that you eat?

The two of you need to understand and realize that, while he has every right under the very Constitution that those men and women so valiantly defend and die for, the words that he speaks are nothing but the purest of unmitigated filth and represent the most basest of hatred, and the utmost in ignorance.

He deserves to have the living dog-shit beat out of him until he cries for his mommy.

Agree ... or disagree. I don't really give a rat's ass, quite frankly. I'm tired of seeing our men and women - hell, our fucking kids, people! - abused, castigated, shunned, and maligned by nothing more than liberalistic, tree-hugging, 'non-violent' wanna-be hippies who haven't the slightest idea of what it means to stand a post or sacrifice anything more than next Sunday's Variety.

Those kids wear those uniforms for a reason. They volunteered. They stand with pride in knowing that they defend the very rights and freedoms of losers like this pogey-bait eating, lazy-ass, uneducated, ignorant REMF.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go smoke a cigarette. I've read enough of this bullshit to last me for awhile, thank you very much.

Nowhere in my post did I address you in that manner, Syndrome. The comment was addressed to those who "abuse, castigate, shun, and other wise malign" those who serve. In other words, fucktards and assholes like that fool who created that web-site.

Thank you.
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Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
The link didn't work for me...probably a good thing since I'm already in a bad mood! I find it pretty fucking infuriating when people like to use there first amendment rights, to bitch about the people that sacrifice there lives to preserve that right. Some people just need a good bitch slapping to make them realize what a fucking waste of human life they really are.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

Every Nation Needs a God-Emperor!
One of the main reasons we need a strong military force is the fact that even if every American was the heart of reason and was willing to sit down and reasonably discuss problems and come up with fair equitible solutions there is always someone somewhere who sees this a weakness to be exploited. It is Human nature. I do believe that the Human race is slowly getting more rational as time goes by, but we are definately not to the point where rational thought is the rule, sometimes it seems like an exception to the rule. I too support the troops. I personally know of one young man killed and one badly wounded in this war. I hate it. I don't think that the war in Iraq was timed right even if it was necessary, which I am not sure of. Afgahnistan yes, the others? The point is if we as a nation cannot protect ourselves then shortly we will not be ourselves but what our new rulers tell us to be.
Hehehehe - it's amazing what a few well-placed complaint e-mails can do when a web-hosting service and an ISP catch wind of shit like this... BAD BAD Public relations = yanked site.

The First Amendment protects people's speech from government prosecution or censorship, but any privately-run company can rip down a site (in this instance) that causes them bad public relations or potential economic grief... :2 cents:
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hehe thanks for the explanation nightfly. i couldnt put my finger on why it was gone, i figured the air force bought his site again. oh well
i'm not american.. i hate wars.. i hate armies (and all military related things), too.. but this site is totally wrong.. 'coz anything which encourages "death" is simply wrong.. none of those soldiers deserves to die, this site is ridiculous..
epic said:
i'm not american.. i hate wars.. i hate armies (and all military related things), too.. but this site is totally wrong.. 'coz anything which encourages "death" is simply wrong.. none of those soldiers deserves to die, this site is ridiculous..

im not harpin on your beliefs epic, but what are your reasons for hating the military?
********** said:
I'll jump in and tell you mine; I have a million reasons, but here's just a short one.

They kill people, I don't think they protect me or anyone, they are just the muscle of the government, they invade countries, they are often sexist, racist, and almost always homphobic, especially in groups, they are regimented and macho and they carry out orders without asking questions even when the orders are inhumane, which in my opinion is inhuman... humanity is to deliberate... the last deliberation a soldier makes (this is an exaggeration) is when he signs up.

Having said all that some of my close friends are in the US military and they know how I feel and understand why.



MEN do all those things you just laid out, not the military, Men. The military doesn't cause homophobia, racism, sexism, and murder. The human race is the cause of these things.

It is unfair to simply label them as killers, when they are just human beings trying to earn a living, just like you and me.
kungfudude said:

MEN do all those things you just laid out, not the military, Men. The military doesn't cause homophobia, racism, sexism, and murder. The human race is the cause of these things.

It is unfair to simply label them as killers, when they are just human beings trying to earn a living, just like you and me.

though i do admit some of the things fox said are true, kungfu whittled it down a bit more. my family has a background in the military and they all say its one of the best things theyve ever done. i know there are some assholes in the military, some are stupid, some dont thik before acting and some others are just plain crazy. but none of this means that the whole military is like this. if you want to talk about homophobia and sexism and stuff like that, go to the government, cause thats where all thsoe decisions are made. all the military does is train and fight, thats what theyre there for. oh and they help during natural disasters when needed, lol thought id add that