Men who fish-hook the women, slap the women's faces, grab the women's throats and generally rough the women about. I hate all of this 
Also, the latent homo-eroticism between the male performers. Two oiled-up, greasy-haired "proper geezer's" who spend about 75% of the film indulging in manly male "bonding" scenes! In these films the women are just peripheral guests! You might be lucky and get to see an occasional shot of the women's back or arm - otherwise it's all about us worshipping the bodies and cocks of the oh-so butch male duckees - sorry performers!
Also, the latent homo-eroticism between the male performers. Two oiled-up, greasy-haired "proper geezer's" who spend about 75% of the film indulging in manly male "bonding" scenes! In these films the women are just peripheral guests! You might be lucky and get to see an occasional shot of the women's back or arm - otherwise it's all about us worshipping the bodies and cocks of the oh-so butch male duckees - sorry performers!