Thin person kicked off flight for fat 14-year-old to have two seats to sit in

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

That actually happens. I was on one of those prop commuter planes several years ago (20-30 passenger plane) and they actually did ask this fat woman to move to the front of the plane to rebalance it. She probably weighed a good 2 bucks and change and there were a lot of people sitting in the back. But it was still a rather awkward moment when they pulled her to the front.

Unless I HAD to be some place at a certain time, my favorite thing to do was volunteering to take the next flight if they overbooked. Hey, they'll give you a free round trip ticket if you take a later flight. I still have three or four round trip ticket vouchers (anywhere in the U.S.) from NorthWorst, if they haven't expired already.
It's been a while since I've flown as a passenger in an airplane... but even as a child I thought the seats were quite small. I would have loved to have had more legroom and more of recline in the seat.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Fat people don't deserve to have rights. They shouldn't even be allowed to use public transportation or airline travel. Get your own goddamn fat car and drive your fat self wherever your fat ass needs to go.

Ugh, disgusting trash bereft of any redeeming qualities. Get on a treadmill! :mad:
I have to pay for the number of seats I have to use, so should everyone. If you don't fit in one seat, you have to buy two. Plain and simple. Get over it, or get thinner and force yourself to fit into a reasonably sized seat.