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There Are Not Enough Wendy's And Regrettably I Have To Report There Is One Less After Tonight In Atlanta

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
They just started serving breakfast too. What a horrible tragedy.




Closed Account
Well ... yellow-bellied, spineless mayors and governors out there have given the vigilantes out there license to do that and more. Apparently it's the vigilantes' right to do that. You know --- decades of anguish and blah blah blah ...

Apparently boys will be boys --- riffraff will be riffraff --- lowlifes will be lowlifes and they're just blowing off steam.

As long as those mayors and governors think it is just freedom of speech and freedom of expression, this will keep happening.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The root of this violence in Atlanta could have been avoided if Ray Ray had complied. He was evasive in his answers about alcohol consumption and failed field sobriety tests. When the cuffs were brought out he started swinging at both officers, managed to get the taser off one of them and started running. He turned in an attempt to shoot one of the cops with the taser. If he had incapacitated one of the officers he may have been able to get his firearm and then you'd have a dangerous criminal on the loose with a police issued firearm.

I don't care if he was shot in the back; it was incidental to the actual events of his crime. If he'd complied and not chosen to steal a weapon from a cop he would still be alive.
The root of this violence in Atlanta could have been avoided if Ray Ray had complied. He was evasive in his answers about alcohol consumption and failed field sobriety tests. When the cuffs were brought out he started swinging at both officers, managed to get the taser off one of them and started running. He turned in an attempt to shoot one of the cops with the taser. If he had incapacitated one of the officers he may have been able to get his firearm and then you'd have a dangerous criminal on the loose with a police issued firearm.

I don't care if he was shot in the back; it was incidental to the actual events of his crime. If he'd complied and not chosen to steal a weapon from a cop he would still be alive.

That is true, none of this would have happened if he had complied, and he should have complied. But does that mean the use of lethal force is justified? He took one cops taser (which is a non-lethal weapon, right?), and was running away. So you still have 2 cops, 2 batons, probably 2 cans of pepper spray, 1 taser, versus 1 drunk guy with a taser trying to run away. They also had his car, which he would presumably want to come back for at some point. And how exactly would he have acquired the cops gun? By waiting until his partner got bored and wandered off? So is it ok for the police to execute people based on what they might do now? He might have run over them with his car, perhaps they should have just shot him through the window before it all started?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
If you touch anything on a cop's belt and try to use it against them you can and will reap the whirlwind. A taser can incapacitate an officer and his firearm could be easy pickings.

And the Fulton County DA, Howard I think had, weeks ago, charged a few officers with aggravated assault after using tasers on uncooperative college students. Aggravated assault is charged when using a weapon leads to serious bodily injury, robbery, rape or murder. Or the intent to commit those crimes. You can't have it both ways.
You can't have it both ways either champ. If you accept that that's the level of violence a taser represents then you also have to accept that they attempted to use it on him first. Either a taser is no big deal and non-lethal and there was no need for lethal force, or the taser is a dangerous weapon and they tried to use it on him first?

And once again, there's still a conscious cop on the scene. If Brooks had made a move for that gun, the other cop would have had ample time to wait until he gets near it and still have all the advantage. Brooks was running away. It was said before. I'll say it again - HOW CAN HE GET THE COPS GUN IF HE'S FUCKING RUNNING AWAY.

Also, the taser wasn't in the cops belt, he had it out, because he was trying to use it on Brooks.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
My comment was to the DA's double standard. Either Ray Ray was posing a valid threat (which he was any way you look at it) or the taser is not a lethal weapon as he had claimed earlier. Either way, that guy got smoked because he deserved it.
So running from police is a death sentence now? At what point are all you 2A types going to start standing up against this tyrannical police state?


Closed Account
For someone (Blacks) who keep claiming that the police always targets them and then treats them horrendously once detained ... they sure keep going out of their way to make stupid, foolish decisions that then create a situation whereby the police has to be called. Blacks need to be smarter, safer than that. You should make it a point to keep a low profile, not proactively put yourselves in the shit hitting the fan situations.

Trying to pass a counterfeit $20.00 while all drugged up and having a lengthy criminal history is not keeping a low profile.
Neither is falling asleep at a drive thru while drunk, then getting into a scuffle with police and taking a Taser from one of them.

Both Floyd and Rayshard made very avoidable foolish decisions that put themselves in extremely precarious, dangerous and ultimately deadly situations

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I think there's some difference in the two cases, although neither of these "victims" were the saints media have made them out to be. While Floyd had a checkered, racist, violent past, his interaction with the police didn't warrant the illegal and frankly, stupid manner of detention which led to his demise. The fentanyl in his system may have exacerbated things, as well as the fact that he did have the 'Rona. But his transgressions aside, he should not have died in that interaction. And the officers involved are definitely paying the price.

Ray Ray, though. That fuckhead got exactly what he deserved and the officer involved is being sacrificed on the altar of political expedience.


Closed Account
I got a big grin and a big laugh a while ago. In channel surfing, I came across a Spanish News clip from Atlanta. There was this Hispanic guy commenting. I don't know him, but I gather he was some Hispanic Democrat politician because his Spanish was too for shit to be a Spanish Journalist. Regarding the Atlanta Police Officers who called in sick, that dude, with a smug look on his face, went something along the lines of, "No, they can't just strike ... call in sick like that because that would put the public in danger." He seemed to be implying that they would be FORCED to end their sickout and return to work.

Grinning and laughing, I was, "Oh REALLY?!! But isn't that exactly what you wanted ... Police Officers AWAY from the field so that they wouldn't be killing people? Haven't you lately been burning, looting and destroying the country BECAUSE you decided the Police was Public Enemy #1, put the public in danger and needed to be done away with? And now you are declaring that a few Police Officers do not have the right to call in sick because that would put the public in danger?" :LOL: :ROFLMAO: 😄 😂

It's been what ... like only around 2 or so days that those few Police Officers called in sick --- in ONE city, and you Police Defunding Lunatics are already shitting in your pants. Looks like your Jenga House of Cards agenda / cause is already falling down and it hasn't even been implemented. What's the big fear? A few Police Officers call in sick, it's next man up. Just call in some Social Workers from those vague, detail-challenged "Community Services" that I keep reading about.


Closed Account
Ray Ray, though. That fuckhead got exactly what he deserved and the officer involved is being sacrificed on the altar of political expedience.
Yes, that is unfortunately very sadly true.

I wouldn't want to be a Law Enforcement Officer right now. It seems like right now anything more intense than going, "Uhhh, excuse me Sir your honorable Mr. Hoodlum, could you conceivably do me a big favor and PLEASE stop stabbing that person, but only if you want to? ..." will be considered Police Excessive Force and your career will be over and you're very likely going to wind up in prison.
"Uhhh, excuse me Sir your honorable Mr. Hoodlum, could you conceivably do me a big favor and PLEASE stop stabbing that person, but only if you want to? ..." will be considered Police Excessive Force and your career will be over and you're very likely going to wind up in prison.

You do know that there is a whole spectrum of options between that and SHOOTING SOMEONE IN THE BACK AS THEY TRY TO GET AWAY FROM YOU, right? Like those 2 aren't collectively exhaustive?
I got a big grin and a blah blah blah

The police are just going to prove the movement's point with their little temper tantrum. "You mean half the police haven't been working??? I've noticed it's been quiet around here lately! Guess which know which parts we can cut."

Any cop who doesn't think that police reform is needed, and is willing to sit and hope and hope their city burns until people come crawling back, can fuck off for those 2 reasons. They shouldn't be cops anyway.

And people are watching. They're recording, taking note of which precincts and which officers stopped work. Police reform is coming, it's already happening in a lot of places. Guess who they'll cut first?

The police need to accept that they fucked up collectively, and step up and fix it, not hide at home or cry in their cars because McDonalds pushed them to the waiting bay.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I had Wendy's last night. Double Baconator, and a large fry. I have 2 within a 10 minute ride.

I had a breakfast baconator the other day. BEST breakfast sandwich I've ever had.


Closed Account
You do know that there is a whole spectrum of options between that and SHOOTING SOMEONE IN THE BACK AS THEY TRY TO GET AWAY FROM YOU, right? Like those 2 aren't collectively exhaustive?
In THAT particular comment, my point doesn't even have to do with someone actually stabbing someone or fleeing the police. My point is that right now, NOTHING the police does is right ... in the eyes of those who want to do away with the police. In other words, anything other than very carefully chosen WORDS and spoken in an unmistakably light, mild-mannered tone, will be considered Police Excessive Force.

Right now WORDS appears to be the only thing remotely approaching being a safe option for police to use in even the most dangerous situations without jeopardizing their career. As soon as a Police Officer so much as touches a perpetrator, the lawyers are salivating and lining up and the rioters having the riot T-Shirts silkscreened and the riot signs painted up.

Police Officers are fucked right now. They're now being expected to go into knife fights, gun fights and a myriad of dangerous situations where they are way outnumbered --- armed with nothing, but WORDS. The perps of course do not have to follow the law and can use anything at their disposal as weapons. The Police Officers have to follow the law to the last molecule of a letter and forget even thinking about using any weapons.


Closed Account
Little temper tantrum? If those Maggot Floyd criminals rioting out there hadn't torched their cities, there wouldn't be burning cities for the police to be watching.

Oh there'll be some police reform. But, IF you all really get what you're asking for ... you're going to be in a world of shit with your "Community Services" to keep you all safe. I can't wait for that joke of a solution to be implemented by the cities that have the audacity & stupidity to actually do it. You all will get the results you deserve. THEN there'll be a pandemic of Crow-eating Festivals.

Frankly though, I think most cities' city councils will actually NOT have the balls to go through with outright, full-blown, in yer face significant police defundings. They'll instead come to their senses and realize they're actually just pussies who don't want to gamble that it'll be a mistake. So, they'll just at most implement a symbolic police defunding by removing just a couple of bucks from their budget, nothing significant. But, I DARE them to go through with it! :cool:

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
I had Wendy's last night. Double Baconator, and a large fry. I have 2 within a 10 minute ride.

I had a breakfast baconator the other day. BEST breakfast sandwich I've ever had.

I still haven't tried the Breakfast Baconator yet. The nearest Wendy's to me is either the one on Santa Monica & Lincoln or the other one on Venice by Robertson. Pretty far from me since I live in Westwood.

Joey just loves those things.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
It's worth getting up early, and taking the ride Dino. They're that good. I also got a med. seasoned potato....get a large, the portions are a little small. The honey butter chicken was a little sweet for me, but still good.