The worst you've ever been scared?

I shit myself first time in County for an underage consumption. 18 yr/old white boy in that dump. Man that place really sucked. Smelled like piss and shit.

Also when I rolled my car and had half the suburb police force on me and a hellicopter. That sucked balls. I got caught for that and yeah....since then I have not even been pulled over. It's been about five years now. I am a damn good driver if I do say so myself. I had to learn that one the hard way though. I lost about $15 large that night.
tho i wasn't in any real danger one of the times i took lsd i was certain i was dying and had died and was in a purgatory/hell type area but i couldn't stop laughing the whole time so the whole laughing/dying at the same time thing freaked me out...minus drugs i don't remember any particular instance of shear terror
when my high-speed internet connection was down for 5 min. and i couldn't look at porn!

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Years ago, working the graveyard shift at a 7-11......big gang fight breaks out at about 1;30 in the morning....guns pulled, 40's flying through the guy got hit in the head and dropped like a sack.....can still hear the sound of his skull cracking as the bottle smashed it....blood everywhere.....I just stood behind the register and didn't fucking move until a coworker grabbed me and pulled me back into the office where we locked the door and waited for the police.

Finally, they all leave, except the dude laying on the floor with glass in his head, and I creep out to see if the cops had shown up yet....they had, about six squad cars, and two of them were walking towards the door slowly with their guns drawn and pointed at me. Started screaming at me to get down, get down, get your hands up.....took them a second to see that I was wearing the god awful green smock of a 7-11 clerk......yeah, that would be my scariest moment.....on my knees with my hands behind my head as cops with guns pointed at me are screaming and a guy is bleeding out behind me in the store.
tho i wasn't in any real danger one of the times i took lsd i was certain i was dying and had died and was in a purgatory/hell type area but i couldn't stop laughing the whole time so the whole laughing/dying at the same time thing freaked me out...minus drugs i don't remember any particular instance of shear terror

The first time I took some caps I was friggin' tweakin'. Apparently they were some fire 'shrooms.