The worst you've ever been scared?

Falling asleep at the wheel and hitting that small child was a pretty scary moment.

But it was dark and they couldn't see the plates so I was fine.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Walking in on BlueBalls and lurkingdirk was scary as hell.

A few minutes later, it was still kind of scary, but it sure felt awesome.


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It was about 11 years ago. I was playing at night and some dickhead hit me with his car. He drove off but I think his license plate said "DrksLvr" or something like that.


Postal Paranoiac
When God visited me at a Taco Bell and warned that he would make me choke on a hard taco supreme if I didn't clean the bathroom at the local YMCA.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Almost dying from blood clots in my lungs in Febuary


When I was chased through the woods at night by an unidentified being. I say 'being' because I believe that it had enough intelligence to intentionally not catch me.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I found a weird bump on my junk once.
Went to the doctors, it was an ingrown hair.
I have never been more happy in my entire life.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Nothing really, I guess my life is pretty mundane. :(

EDIT: I just drank some spoiled milk and ripped all of the tags off my mattresses. By morning, I'm either going to be nauseous or indicted.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
When I was in San Antonio and we were told that we were moving out to intercept a Russian spec-ops team moving chemical weapons into Nicaragua. I just about shit my pants. One guy took off into the woods, he got a dishonorable. Nothing has ever scared me since then.
When I was in San Antonio and we were told that we were moving out to intercept a Russian spec-ops team moving chemical weapons into Nicaragua. I just about shit my pants. One guy took off into the woods, he got a dishonorable. Nothing has ever scared me since then.

What unit were you attached to? This had to have been '83 or '85.
When I was in San Antonio and we were told that we were moving out to intercept a Russian spec-ops team moving chemical weapons into Nicaragua. I just about shit my pants. One guy took off into the woods, he got a dishonorable. Nothing has ever scared me since then.

Whoa! Sounds like some shit you'd see in the movies

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Whoa! Sounds like some shit you'd see in the movies

It was surreal. I didn't feel I had enough training yet. And of course we're talking about a Soviet spec-ops team with chemical weapons. Bad-ass motherfuckers. I told my Sargent how fuckin scared I was and he said I better be and he wouldn't want to be around anyone who wasn't.

But it had to be us, we were the closest unit. We never made contact. Beyond that as far as I know it's still classified.