What's the worst you've ever been scared?
Falling asleep at the wheel and hitting that small child was a pretty scary moment.
But it was dark and they couldn't see the plates so I was fine.
It was about 11 years ago. I was playing at night and some dickhead hit me with his car. He drove off but I think his license plate said "DrksLvr" or something like that.
When I was in San Antonio and we were told that we were moving out to intercept a Russian spec-ops team moving chemical weapons into Nicaragua. I just about shit my pants. One guy took off into the woods, he got a dishonorable. Nothing has ever scared me since then.
What unit were you attached to? This had to have been '83 or '85.
When I was in San Antonio and we were told that we were moving out to intercept a Russian spec-ops team moving chemical weapons into Nicaragua. I just about shit my pants. One guy took off into the woods, he got a dishonorable. Nothing has ever scared me since then.
Whoa! Sounds like some shit you'd see in the movies