The Walking Dead versus Game of Thrones

The Walking Dead Versus Game of Thrones

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Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Since we have quite a few watchers of either show, this seemed an obvious choice for a poll, and with The Walking Dead season three ending just before the Game of Thrones season three premiered. So, how about it? Which show do you think is the better?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
It's a toss-up for me. They're both great action oriented dramas with good writing and good acting.
Hard shows to compare, I love the Walking Dead, despite its slows as hell plot lines.

Game of Thrones is a show I should have liked given it ticks all the right boxes, but I watched it and it bored me to tears.
GoT all the way, never watched a show with so many characters with so much depth and inter weaving stories, its fantastically written


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Its apples vs oranges for me. I really enjoy watching both. Its hard to pick one.


Hiliary 2020
Its not even close
Game of Thrones is a better show on every possible level.
Superb scenery, costumes, visually GOT is probably the best show ever produced.
WD, the woods in georgia......woopee!
GOT, profound, intense, interesting, well acted ( even the children), multiple plots which are all connected, abundant amount of interesting characters all with histories and back stories.
WD, Lori fucked Shane, Glenn fucked Maggie, Merle is an asshole, Governor is nuts......Oh and dont get bit by a zombie.
Also about 50% of the show is long, drawn out interpersonal scenes that nobody gives a crap about.
Its also just unrealistic. Ok, so the whole world, every person and huge military force in the planet got over run by slow moving zombies?
Game of Thrones beats Walking Lame in every way.


I don't think they can be compared. The shows are very different in genre, writing, acting, cinematography...
Game of Thrones is a masterpiece of television, no doubt. But The Walking Dead should not be underestimated. The level of production detail and quality is not at all lower than that of GoT. I know how hard it is to get the pacing right and The Walking Dead is a very tough show to write when it comes to that. GoT is much easier to write in that respect. On the other hand GoT does have a lot more plots, storylines and characters you can't lose track of while writing/producing. They both make very different demands of the cast, crew and audience. I wouldn't put one above the other. In the end, it's a question of whether you like the genre and the execution or not, but when it comes to "craftsmanship" and "quality" both are pretty solid.
I like both very much and wouldn't want to miss either of them.
I really like both shows. Can't say for certain which I like more since I tend not to waste time ranking stuff. Generally I just enjoy what I enjoy, so I don't feel the need to spend time rating and dissecting stuff. I think Game of Thrones is probably a superior show on a technical level, but that doesn't really have a massive effect on whether I like something or not. I mean, I love Evil Dead, but that's not exactly a technical masterpiece.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Another show/movie about zombies... or the best show ever put on television? Pretty easy choice.

So you're a fan of The Wire too? :clap: See, I knew I liked you! :D
I haven't seen an episode of Game of Thrones and I'd still pick that over TWD. After that 2nd season soap opera shit, I'll never watch another episode of TWD.
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Game of Thrones, its not even close
Sorry, but Game of Thrones wins. No contest. I love Walking Dead but the writing in GoT is the best I've seen in a show ever. The characters are so complex and deep, save for Ned Stark no character on that show is black and white.

Walking Dead has its moments of good writing but after the terrible season 3 finale, I questioned their writing abilities and seriously that was all that held it back.