
Vergil and Dante.....Fook devil may cry is such a awesome game!!!!!
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My favorite works of Fiction.
#1 Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien
#2 Harry Potter - JK Rowling
#3 The Dark Night Returns - Frank Miller
#4 SandMan - Neil Gaiman
#5 The Iliad - Homer
#6 Idylls of the King - Alfred, Lord Tennyson
#7 Beowulf
#8 Shakespear's plays (Othello, MacBeth, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Tempest.
#9 Mr Pither's Bicycle Tour - Monty Python
#10 the Bible

Ace Bandage

The one and only.

You can take your truth and shove it! :hatsoff:
No. :tongue: :hatsoff:

Ok, can you provide some proof that the Bible was written under divine influence as the word of God, without quoting the Bible?

I stick to my stance that the Bible was written by man (humans) and had no more divine influence than any other book ever written in history (none).
know the role playing books where when you make a decision you flip to page 14 and continue to play from there - that's how the Bible works.
if you have a question at any part - you just flip to another chapter for the answer.
Good Bibles have that reference index at the bottom of each page to let you know where to go.
So you can't use another book or reference because the story lines are not compatible.
That's why you can only explain the Bible with the Bible
Gary Gygax wrote the Bible.
No kidding. Still...

I'll humor this thread with just one question that I'm honestly curious about:
offcgibby, does the Bible ever make mention of the soul directly (or even indirectly, for that matter)?
Yes it does, here is the example the soul that sinth shall surely die. That is just one
The only bible you'll ever need!


If you want to spend etirinity in the lake of fire for your sins.:D I know about the 9 satanic statements. Everything that Satan does is counterfeit to God's law. Satan Was Defeated At calvary. The only power that coward has is that of Deciption. He was defeated when Jesus was nailed on the Cross for the sins of everyman woman and child. I would suggest that you invite him into your heart and repent of your sins. The rapture of the church is coming and you don't want to be here for what is going to happen. That is when the wrath of God will be poured out and I don't think you want to commit the ultimate sin that God himself says He won't forgive. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I also research cults and false doctrine for fun so there isn't anything in that book that I don't already know.
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offcgibby, given that the Earth is finite but God is infinite. What was he doing (& for how long) before he created the Earth, the universe etc. & where exactly was he at this time?
Its not mentioned but the fall of man is that is when Satan decieved man and that is how sin came into the human Race. Satan has been decieving the Human race throughout history. But I will say this get on the gospel ship. When Jesus comes back it will be like that in the days of Noah. For God won't destroy the earth with water but he will by fire. Read the Book of Revelatiion. Everything is in place now, and the SON OF MANS RETURN IS COMING. THE ONLY WAY TO BE READY IS TO INVITE JESUS INTO YOUR HEART AND REPENT OF YOUR SINS AGAINST HIM.:):D Pack up pray up were going up. I want you and everyone else with me in paradise but its up to you, live the sinful life and be down here when the church is gone and go through THE HELL THAT IS COMING OR REPENT that is your only choice.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement

Well now that I know he is coming, I'll have time to prepare. :wave:
That was Satan greatest trick. Convincing the world that there is time. I tell you this, no one is guaenteed there next breath, when you die that is it. So repent now and have a relationship with God. Forget religion that is the most important thing to remember. Religion is about keeping man made rules to obtain goodness in the Eyes of God. Its like if you dress a certain way then you are good in the Eyes of God. No. Always remember this Jesus didn't come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it.
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The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
That was Satan greatest trick. Convincing the world that there is time. I tell you this, no one is guaenteed there next breath, when you die that is it. So repent now and have a relationship with God. Forget religion that is the most important thing to remember.

You make it sound like my life is a Final Destination movie... :crying:
It is if you are here on earth and when Judgement day comes. That would be the great white throne judgement. There you will be sentenced to the lake of Fire for ever. The only way to escape is to Repent. When your name is in the Lambs book of life you won't have to worry about that. There are five judgements in the bible. I will mention three. One is the GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT WHAT I like to call MARTAR'S JUDGEMENT that won't happen till the ANtichrist comes and if you don't take 666 in your right hand or your forehead he will cut your head off. The other is for when the church is raptured and we are judged for what we did here on earth.
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