Its not mentioned but the fall of man is that is when Satan decieved man and that is how sin came into the human Race. Satan has been decieving the Human race throughout history. But I will say this get on the gospel ship. When Jesus comes back it will be like that in the days of Noah. For God won't destroy the earth with water but he will by fire. Read the Book of Revelatiion. Everything is in place now, and the SON OF MANS RETURN IS COMING. THE ONLY WAY TO BE READY IS TO INVITE JESUS INTO YOUR HEART AND REPENT OF YOUR SINS AGAINST HIM.:):D Pack up pray up were going up. I want you and everyone else with me in paradise but its up to you, live the sinful life and be down here when the church is gone and go through THE HELL THAT IS COMING OR REPENT that is your only choice.
Why did you quote me when you didn't address my question?!?

& your brand of religious philosophy is the kind I loathe. Belief in God through fear of the alternative. The depiction of God as Santa Claus for grown ups. It won't convince me to believe in him & also it smacks of zealotry. Your belief in God & heaven should be enough, take comfort in that rather than trying to force it upon other people with tales of torture & damnation. Why do you feel the need to do that? If you want to promote your faith why do it in such a negative way? Why not do it in a positive way? & when is Jesus coming back? Can you give me a date please.

NO but they can be saved. Who's ever name is in the book of life will be in heaven. There is no marriage in heaven or sex. Adultery and fornication are all sins. But if you or anyone else commits them they still can be forgiven. But there is only one sin that God says he won't forgive that is the blasamphy of the Holy Spirit, but that will come when the Church is gone and you will be given the choice to choose.:D:):eek:

If fornication is a sin why did god use that as the way for the human race to increase it's population? A design flaw?

Anyway, to quote Patti Smith - "Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine. . .My sins my own, they belong to me".
Nice touch on Mambo No. 5 :hatsoff:

Let's dance everybody!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Meh....They'll find a way to sneak into there. Anyways isn't that guy Cuban?


If the Mexicans can sneak into Heaven...

They already sneak into America...

That means...

America = Heaven

But does that make Obama the devil or God?