The Trump Presidency

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Considering the liberal lemon party that has been going on around here, your post is rife with irony.


‘Dangerous,’ ‘utterly untruthful’: Two retiring GOP senators sound alarm on Trump

A pair of Republican senators sounded an alarm Tuesday about President Trump’s fitness for office and warned that his actions were degrading and dangerous to the country — an extraordinary breach that threatens his legislative agenda and further escalates the civil war tearing apart the Republican Party.

Delivering an emotional speech from the Senate floor announcing that he would not seek reelection next year, Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) said Trump’s behavior is “dangerous to our democracy” and summoned fellow Republican leaders to speak out about the president’s conduct.

“It is time for our complicity and our accommodation of the unacceptable to end,” Flake said. He added, “Politics can make us silent when we should speak, and silence can equal complicity.”

The charged remarks from Flake — a totem of traditional conservatism who has repeatedly spoken out about his isolation in Trump’s GOP — came hours after Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) questioned the president’s stability and competence, reigniting a deeply personal feud with the president.

Corker, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee who also will not run for reelection, told reporters in assessing Trump’s nine-month tenure, “I’ve seen no evolution in an upward way. As a matter of fact, it seems to me it’s almost devolving.”

With their distress calls, Flake and Corker joined a chorus of mainstream political leaders newly emboldened to excoriate Trump. Last week, former presidents George W. Bush, a Republican, and Barack Obama, a Democrat, both indirectly rebuked Trump’s deportment and warned of peril for the nation under his watch, as did Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who thundered about the rise of what he called “half-baked, spurious nationalism.”

The raw candor from two retiring senators came on a day when Trump made a rare trip to the Capitol for an intended show of party unity, lunching privately with Republican senators to rally support for his plan to cut taxes.

For a Republican Party that has been riven by internal turmoil for nearly a decade, the Flake-Corker rupture with Trump exacerbated the ferocious war between the party’s seasoned leaders and its anti-establishment forces, now rallying under the banner of Trumpism. Polls show the overwhelming majority of Republican voters back Trump, and that fact that two of the president’s most vocal critics in the Senate are retiring underscores how dangerous it is for politicians seeking reelection to break with the president and risk the wrath of his loyal supporters.

Flake’s 18-minute speech was perhaps the most sweeping indictment of Trump delivered by a Republican to date. A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Flake, 54, spoke with bewilderment and sadness, his voice cracking at times, about what he viewed as the withering of morality and civility in the national dialogue.

“We must never regard as normal the regular and casual undermining of our democratic norms and ideals,” Flake said. “We must never meekly accept the daily sundering of our country. The personal attacks, the threats against principles, freedoms and institutions, the flagrant disregard for truth and decency.”

Flake added, “We must stop pretending that the degradation of our politics and the conduct of some in our executive branch are normal. They are not normal. Reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior has become excused and countenanced as telling it like it is when it is actually just reckless, outrageous and undignified.”

Some Republican elder statesmen who have been deeply critical of Trump celebrated Flake’s remarks and called on other elected Republicans to further distance the party from the president.

“Am I concerned about what are we supposed to do for the next three-plus years with this man in the White House? Yes, I’m very concerned,” said John C. Danforth, a former Republican senator from Missouri and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. “But the best I can think of right now is simply making it clear to the American people that the Republican Party is what it has been in the past, and that is not Donald Trump.”

Still, Danforth said he is concerned that by giving up their seats, Flake and Corker were “leaving the field open” to insurgent candidates inspired by former White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon, who is leading a rebellion against establishment Republicans.

Already, a crop of Bannon-inspired conservative outsiders is emerging nationally. From Alabama to Mississippi to Nevada, these contenders are hoping to disrupt the 2018 midterm elections. They could determine whether the GOP maintains its narrow majorities in both the Senate and House — and whether Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) hold their leadership positions.

Bannon claimed victory with Flake’s departure. “Many more to come,” Bannon predicted in a text message to The Washington Post.

Andy Surabian, a Bannon associate who advises Great America Alliance, a pro-Trump political group, said, “This is a victory for President Trump and all of his supporters across the nation. Jeff Flake was America’s top ‘Never Trumper,’ so getting his scalp is a signal to Never Trumpers everywhere that their time is up.”

At the White House, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Flake and Corker’s comments were “petty” and suggested that they were retiring because they could not win reelection. She boasted from the briefing room lectern that Trump was more popular in Arizona and Tennessee, both states he carried in 2016, than the two departing senators.

“The voters of these individual senator states are speaking in pretty loud volumes,” Sanders said. “I think that they were not likely to be reelected, and I think that shows that the support is more behind this president than it is those two individuals.”

At the Capitol, meanwhile, Republican leaders reacted cautiously on Tuesday, eager to offer support to their colleagues but fearful of breaking their fragile bonds with a president who has been quick to explode at personal slights.

Following Flake on the Senate floor, McConnell thanked him “for the opportunity to listen to his remarks” and honored the Arizonan, who he called “a very fine man, a man who clearly brings high principles to the office every day.”

Tuesday’s thunderclap exposed the threadbare relationship Trump has with the GOP. At the closed-door lunch, Trump received a standing ovation from Republican senators. Yet for months, many of these lawmakers privately have seethed at the president’s actions and language, as Flake and Corker did publicly in concluding that Trump is an unstable presence in American political life.

“This is the ice beginning to crack,” said Peter Wehner, a Trump critic who has advised several past Republican presidents. “This is an extraordinary moment because the members of the president’s own party know that he is not fit in some fundamental way to be the president. These views that they’ve kept in the shadows are now being exposed to the light.”

Democrats balked at the notion that Republicans were somehow unsullied because two GOP senators rapped Trump.

“Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress remain in lockstep with the Trump agenda and silent in the face of the president’s disgraceful behavior,” Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez said in a statement.

Flake’s Tuesday speech was the surprise culmination of more than a year of simmering criticism of Trump and the direction the party has taken under him. Flake published a best-selling book this summer, “Conscience of a Conservative,” that chastised the president’s character and ideology, stunning his colleagues and stoking Trump’s anger. The president vowed to work to defeat him if he sought reelection in 2018.

Recent polls showed Flake trailing the leading Democratic Senate candidate, Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), as well as potential primary rivals.

The emerging Republican field is robust and includes Kelli Ward, a former Arizona state senator and hard-line conservative known for incendiary statements. Several members of the state’s congressional delegation, including Reps. Martha McSally and David Schweikert, are also considering bids, according to Arizona Republicans.

Flake said Tuesday that he was not comfortable making the policy concessions on issues like trade and immigration — or withholding criticisms of Trump’s behavior — that he felt he would have to make to satisfy Republican primary voters galvanized by anger and grievance.

“Sustained incumbency is certainly not the point of seeking office, and there are times when we must risk our careers in favor of our principles,” Flake said. “Now is such a time.”

Flake, who once ran the Goldwater Institute, a libertarian think tank based in Phoenix and named for the late Republican senator Barry Goldwater, won a seat in the House in 2000 and served there for a dozen years before being elected to the Senate in 2012.

As Flake spoke on the Senate floor, a handful of colleagues from both parties sat grimly across the chamber. When he concluded, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), a sometime-critic of Trump, clapped loudly, prompting others to stand and applaud.

McCain spoke a few minutes later and called his colleague “a man of integrity and honor and decency and commitment,” saying Flake’s service to the country is “one of honor, of brilliance and patriotism and love of country.”

Asked later by reporters if he thought other senators should speak in the same terms about Trump as Flake had, McCain demurred.

“It’s up to every senator,” he said. “It’s not up to me.”

For Corker, he quickly unburdened himself Tuesday of his feelings about Trump — first in a trio of television network morning show interviews, then in a tweet, and then in a hallway gaggle with reporters.

Corker said Trump was “utterly untruthful” and called him “the L-word;” expressed hope that he would stand down to let Congress formulate a tax plan without him; said he should “leave it to the professionals” to handle the North Korea nuclear crisis; said he was not a role model for children; and urged West Wing aides to “figure out ways of controlling him.” Corker also said he would not support Trump for election again.

The succession of brittle comments seemed to enrage Trump, who responded with several tweets, calling the short-statured senator “liddle” and “a lightweight,” as well as “incompetent.”

Republican leaders were also quick to dismiss Corker’s comments as mere distractions, insistent upon showcasing party cohesion despite the evident disorder.

“All this stuff you see on a daily basis — Twitter this and Twitter that? Forget about it,” Ryan told reporters.

“There’s a lot of noise out there,” McConnell said. “We have a First Amendment in this country; everybody gets to express themselves. But what we’re concentrating on is the agenda the American people need.”


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
FYI, now that all you dingleberries are unbanned, I keep getting hit with people making reports at each other throwing whoever the fuck under the bus.

Guys, seriously. Do you want apple juice before diaper changing time or do you just want to go straight to quite nap hour?


FYI, now that all you dingleberries are unbanned, I keep getting hit with people making reports at each other throwing whoever the fuck under the bus.

Guys, seriously. Do you want apple juice before diaper changing time or do you just want to go straight to quite nap hour?

Adam with all due respect, you had the situation handled....then you decided to unhandle it. I don't know why and I don't know why it was unhandled in the past. I have no problem stating the belief that while we may be shitting our own bed, the great big turd sitting on the pillow is the one that you left there.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Adam with all due respect, you had the situation handled....then you decided to unhandle it. I don't know why and I don't know why it was unhandled in the past. I have no problem stating the belief that while we may be shitting our own bed, the great big turd sitting on the pillow is the one that you left there.

Blame who you want, but there's like 4 of you guys who just can't act like grownups. I mean, lets start with that and work our way up. Keep on poking that bear.


Blame who you want, but there's like 4 of you guys who just can't act like grownups. I mean, lets start with that and work our way up. Keep on poking that bear.


There's two that can't act like grownups and one in particular that would rather stab himself in the neck with a screwdriver than post anything relevant to the topic of the thread. Just two. And we all know that the board was rolling along just fine without him/them. You had this handled...until you didn't.
Adam with all due respect, you had the situation handled....then you decided to unhandle it. I don't know why and I don't know why it was unhandled in the past. I have no problem stating the belief that while we may be shitting our own bed, the great big turd sitting on the pillow is the one that you left there.

I am not going to let this go without a response. I have reported perhaps THREE posts the entire time that I have been a member of this board. Generally, I don't give a a flying fuck what insults are hurled my way. It's politics, " it ain't beanbag" and sometimes emotions run so high that name calling ensues, that is why some people avoid political discussions altogether both in real life or Internet forum exchanges.

What we have here is a renewed attempt at having me permabanned, the whiny 4 year olds are not me and ani but the fragile little snowflakes that only want to see P&R an echo chamber for liberal opinion and thought.

Conservative ideology on a porn message board is generally not going to be well accepted, I understand that, considering the free spirited and unabashed focus on things of a sexual nature but the political discussion has its own section and no one on the other sections are subjected to the arguments that take place here. I reviewed my posts from yesterday, there was not one response that I made that is worthy of a ban. That doesn't mean I won't get one, I received a 30 day ban for simply responding to insults hurled at me and animus in an attempt to " draw us in" to a bannable offense. You know, revenge and all that good shit.
Mayhem has proven why he is such an annoying little fuck, first he posts these long posts from articles with highlights and bold text. A cliff note would kill him if he had to do it. Just post the article link with a couple of bullet points. If we want to read the whole damn article we will. Not to mention that he is one of the main posters spewing insults and personal attacks. How god damned pathetic can you be? I saw a post while I was banned where he proclaimed that I wouldn't be back as If he had received some assurances.

Ultimately, the board will be handled the way the PTB see fit with or without lobbying against certain posters. The fragile minds around here can only handle polite discussion from likeminded people.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
It is a rare occasion when I go along with Blue C. He has a good point there.

Adam and the othr staff members tell us time and again:

Don't behave like little kids throwing dirt at each other and then cry and blame each other.

We all know this section is just overflowing with calling names, open provocation, bullshitting and so forth. If newbies are offended, that I can understand, but us oldtimers, we should be able to either handle the insult & flame or walk away.

So: Play along or tell yourself



Mayhem has proven why he is such an annoying little fuck, first he posts these long posts from articles with highlights and bold text. A cliff note would kill him if he had to do it. Just post the article link with a couple of bullet points. If we want to read the whole damn article we will. Not to mention that he is one of the main posters spewing insults and personal attacks. How god damned pathetic can you be? I saw a post while I was banned where he proclaimed that I wouldn't be back as If he had received some assurances.

Let us hearken back to the day when BC decided to threaten me with violence and said he was going to come to my town and attack me with "a pair of pliers." And then kept the personal attacks up to this day. The rest of you shitbags (I'm looking at you specifically Supa,) choose to ignore/forget. I do not. And...back to the pickled hillbilly in question...y'know the one doing the whining about "spewing insults and personal attacks"...yeah that one....the one trying to demean the 8 years of military service that I gave and he was too gutless too. No, that's not a personal attack at all. The one that responds to everyone else he disagrees with, with personal attacks. As always, he's the one whining the most and the loudest. The one who was perma-banned until Petra let him back in for reasons surpassing all bounds of reality. The one who should, I say Should, I say SHOULD have been perma-banned for his latest servings of obnoxiousness, nope. Once again, let back in, even though it defies all logic. But no, Cletus is the victim here. :crybaby:

Since you've taken your cues from Dear Leader, maybe you should throw in some Bill O'Reilly (well, you already are. You're just to thick to know it) and blame God for all of this. God Hates you BC. God is doing this to you. God wants you to suffer. When you meet God, make sure I'm the first thing you bring up. :crybaby: Be like O'Reilly BC, because it sure is working out for him.

I say again, the board is much better off without you. Every time you're not here, everything goes fine. Every time you are here, Adam needs to show up once a month to give yet another scolding. That's all you and Animus. No one else. I was gone for close to a year. But Adam still had come in here and rap your knuckles. A lot. Who else is to blame for that? Please tell us. Because you do have someone else to blame. Always. :crybaby:

Again, to be crystal clear here, We Are Better Off Without You. We still have Scotty. He wants to be another pissed-off, white conservative...and we have no problem with that. Ace is here. He's still not anywhere near as cute as he thinks he is, but he at least has a sense of humor. We're OK with him. MP is getting crazier by the week, but we like that about him. Anyway, he's Bob's project. While you were gone, the rest of us did perfectly alright around here. It's just you. Always you.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I am not going to let this go without a response.

Exactly the cancer that plagues this section and what started yesterdays stupidity, just couldn't stand that I attacked Trey Gowdy and the bullshit Benghazi conspiracy. Start here- and read the rest of the dialog, it's pretty clear that the two trolling titty babies that Mayhem are referring to are the one's that keep shitting all over the forum.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Exactly the cancer that plagues this section and what started yesterdays stupidity, just couldn't stand that I attacked Trey Gowdy and the bullshit Benghazi conspiracy. Start here- and read the rest of the dialog, it's pretty clear that the two trolling titty babies that Mayhem are referring to are the one's that keep shitting all over the forum.

It's not like you aren't right about that. You diagnosed this spot-on.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Let us hearken back to the day when BC decided to threaten me with violence and said he was going to come to my town and attack me with "a pair of pliers." And then kept the personal attacks up to this day. The rest of you shitbags (I'm looking at you specifically Supa,) choose to ignore/forget. I do not. And...back to the pickled hillbilly in question...y'know the one doing the whining about "spewing insults and personal attacks"...yeah that one....the one trying to demean the 8 years of military service that I gave and he was too gutless too. No, that's not a personal attack at all. The one that responds to everyone else he disagrees with, with personal attacks. As always, he's the one whining the most and the loudest. The one who was perma-banned until Petra let him back in for reasons surpassing all bounds of reality. The one who should, I say Should, I say SHOULD have been perma-banned for his latest servings of obnoxiousness, nope. Once again, let back in, even though it defies all logic. But no, Cletus is the victim here. :crybaby:

Since you've taken your cues from Dear Leader, maybe you should throw in some Bill O'Reilly (well, you already are. You're just to thick to know it) and blame God for all of this. God Hates you BC. God is doing this to you. God wants you to suffer. When you meet God, make sure I'm the first thing you bring up. :crybaby: Be like O'Reilly BC, because it sure is working out for him.

I say again, the board is much better off without you. Every time you're not here, everything goes fine. Every time you are here, Adam needs to show up once a month to give yet another scolding. That's all you and Animus. No one else. I was gone for close to a year. But Adam still had come in here and rap your knuckles. A lot. Who else is to blame for that? Please tell us. Because you do have someone else to blame. Always. :crybaby:

Again, to be crystal clear here, We Are Better Off Without You. We still have Scotty. He wants to be another pissed-off, white conservative...and we have no problem with that. Ace is here. He's still not anywhere near as cute as he thinks he is, but he at least has a sense of humor. We're OK with him. MP is getting crazier by the week, but we like that about him. Anyway, he's Bob's project. While you were gone, the rest of us did perfectly alright around here. It's just you. Always you.

First of all you keep mentioning the ban a few years ago, it had nothing to do with board activity but rather another matter that is none of your business and I have upheld the agreement that were the conditions of my ban being lifted.

Perhaps you should be given a time out for constantly questioning the decisions of administrators. If I recall correctly, I was disciplined for the comments that I made to you and you just can't get over it. Poor little baby.. it also turns out that you have been banned for comments directed at me. I am not claiming victimhood at all, a full on political Octagon is fine with me. Unlike some [/ I] I don't seek protection or revenge. Let's get one thing straight, I am more educated than you, made better life choices than you and I am certain my life isn't as miserable as yours.

This all boils down to you not being able to deal with conservatives that can hand your your ass on a platter regularly. And about that military service you stake claim to. It never happened. As for me not serving, well if spending the rest of your life in a smoke filled casino is the best you can accomplish after " 8 years of service" *wink* *wink* then my choice of graduating college sure looks better than yours.

Military service haha... that still makes me laugh.
Exactly the cancer that plagues this section and what started yesterdays stupidity, just couldn't stand that I attacked Trey Gowdy and the bullshit Benghazi conspiracy. Start here- and read the rest of the dialog, it's pretty clear that the two trolling titty babies that Mayhem are referring to are the one's that keep shitting all over the forum.
If anyone is a cancer around here it is you. Most conservatives have been banned, usually after admins grow tired of you whining about them.
The fact is, you are crazier than a shit house rat and your " Revenge Tour" of 2017 is documented proof of that.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
If anyone is a cancer around here it is you.

You say that about everyone.

Most conservatives have been banned, usually after admins grow tired of you whining about them.

That is absurd, and really should piss off the mods and administrators.

The fact is, you are crazier than a shit house rat and your " Revenge Tour" of 2017 is documented proof of that.

I'm glad you noticed because I was merely emulating the behavior you and your pet dog have put on display for over a year.


First of all you keep mentioning the ban a few years ago, it had nothing to do with board activity but rather another matter that is none of your business and I have upheld the agreement that were the conditions of my ban being lifted.
Liar. You were banned for physically threatening me and a continuous stream of personal attacks. You're not quite as bad now as you were back then, but you were banned for being a psychotic hillbilly. And Lord knows you were psycho.

Perhaps you should be given a time out for constantly questioning the decisions of administrators. If I recall correctly, I was disciplined for the comments that I made to you and you just can't get over it. Poor little baby.. it also turns out that you have been banned for comments directed at me.
A whole three days. And right there, you just confirmed what you just denied.
I am not claiming victimhood at all, a full on political Octagon is fine with me. Unlike some [/ I] I don't seek protection or revenge. Let's get one thing straight, I am more educated than you, made better life choices than you and I am certain my life isn't as miserable as yours.

You make it clear to every last person here, with every last post you shit at us, how utterly miserable you are.
This all boils down to you not being able to deal with conservatives that can hand your your ass on a platter regularly.
Sure I can. Bob's conservative, Scott is conservative, Ace is conservative. None of them and none of the rest of us stoop to the levels that you consantly stoop too. Ask anyone.
And about that military service you stake claim to. It never happened.
This is where I stop treating you as human. I served my country for 8 years and 1 war and an extended tour of Korea. And here is Mr. Conservative-who-never-makes-personal-attacks-and-is-always-a-perfect-little-gentleman, doing the same to me that Dear Leader did to McCain.
As for me not serving, well if spending the rest of your life in a smoke filled casino is the best you can accomplish after " 8 years of service" *wink* *wink* then my choice of graduating college sure looks better than yours.
You didn't serve because you're a gutless punk, who like Dear Leader is all talk. Nothing but talk. The internet was created specifically for cowards like you.

And speaking of talk, I have a job. I pay my bills, pay my taxes, and am a good neighbor. That used to be the heart of Conservatism. But not anymore. Not with "educated" people like you around.

You couldn't do my job. You'd either run out of the room crying (it really happens), or you'd get fired. Each scenario depends on how truly gutless and obnoxious you are to people in person. Either way, you wouldn't last. Like so many before you.

And there's no smoking in poker rooms anymore.

Military service haha... that still makes me laugh.
Any kind of service makes you laugh. The service itself and/or the people who step up to provide it. It all makes you laugh.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
If anyone is a cancer around here it is you.

Nope. Definitely still you. Clearly and obviously.

Whatever else Mayhem said, he's unequivocally correct about one thing: If there was only one ban to be made, none would make a bigger improvement to discourse, reduce the amount of bullshit and vitriol spewed, spare the mods the time, etc., etc., than banning you (I fully recognize you think this is some persecution of conservative thought, and you're wrong - you'll notice the other names Mayhem mentioned that share many of your views, yet few people have problems with). Animus is trying his damnedest to usurp that (I remain flabbergasted that, on a forum that thrives from interactions with women from an industry than in many ways mirrors Hollywood where animus is ok with women getting raped, that dude was allowed back in ever - but hey, it's not my forum...), but you're still top dog.

...and that's all I'll say in this thread until it's back to focusing on our catastrophe-in-chief. The mods have all the same information as the rest of us. They'll do what they do.


...and that's all I'll say in this thread until it's back to focusing on our catastrophe-in-chief. The mods have all the same information as the rest of us. They'll do what they do.

This is where I'm going to jump at you Rat. Even though we are both Liberals and I risk excommunication and might be sentenced to a life term of fucking a Hillary Clinton blow-up doll, I still hereby challenge you.

Say more. Say it often. Once again, I took close to a year off so you guys could deal with this clown in your own noble way. And granted, I thought that you had too (thanx again Adam). But whatever tactics or postures that I've taken in the past that you didn't agree with, you had your chance. Quit being noble, quit being superior and call Cletus out. Say what you just said and say it more.
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