Ha ha, Mr. P. Thank you! It looks like he got rid of that potted plant too. Or maybe he just forgot to water it lol
Good speech. His best that I've heard so far. But still more like a stump speech than a policy speech for the most part. Not that he didn't touch on a lot of policy issues - he did - but for the most part not with much depth. He's making such huge sweeping promises on such a broad spectrum that if he actually succeeds in achieving even 75% of them he'll be a heck of a president. But of course therein lies the rub. It sounds good, but...
His great secret strategy for defeating ISIS didn't sound any different than Obama's was, at least based on his words tonight.
And didn't he pledge they'd be destroyed within a month of his inaugural? That obviously didn't happen, so what are we to make of his other promises?
Good post. Very good post.
I'm gonna watch the whole thing now but probably fall asleep and watch the rest tomorrow.
But now I'm gonna open up some worms,
I know you disagree with me on this but lets say for the sake of whatever that I am correct.
"Defeating ISIS"
Isis, Alquaeuaeda, Daesh, Isil, all the same shit.
Here is where the problem lies- Again just assume I'm right for a minute.
If Trump and the entire GOV were all on board for taking out the terror groups which I simply call the bearded mercenaries then why dont they just do it?
Why didn't Barry just do it?
We know where they are, where they are occupying.
They have hundreds of thousands of men but no airforce or navy.
So why not just go get them? What is stopping us? Surely we could roll right over them. Kill most from the air before any US soldier has to get his boots dirty.
However if these terrorists who we have been at war with for 15 years now but just can't seem to put a dent in are as I know are funded, armed and take orders from the US shadow GOV , mainly the CIA and great American Heros like John Mccain who was just over in Syria illegally, assuring his bearded army that all is well and the checks won't bounce ever again, that would explain exactly why even though our politicians talk tough we never seem to get anything going against them. Never. Never Ever.
Never. In fact its the countries who have fought them or would not allow radical muslims in their countries that we have been attacking since 2003.
Whatever. Hope tomorrow is nice like it was today.