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The Trump Presidency

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Justice Department watchdog finds Trump-Russia probe was not tainted by political bias

Inspector General Michael Horowitz found that there was a proper legal basis for the FBI to seek a surveillance warrant against Carter Page, according to a new report.
Horowitz also reported that there was no evidence of political bias at the root of the investigation.
But Horowitz’s probe did find “serious performance failures” made by some agents in charge of the surveillance applications as part of the Russia probe.

The Department of Justice’s internal watchdog on Monday released its long-awaited report on the FBI’s decision to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, including its surveillance of a then-Trump campaign aide.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz found that there was a proper legal basis for the FBI to seek a surveillance warrant against Carter Page, a former foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign, according to the report, which runs more than 400 pages in length.
Horowitz also reported that there was no evidence of political bias at the root of the investigation — rebuffing President Donald Trump’s repeated claims about a concerted effort to undermine his campaign being led by “deep state” Washington bureaucrats.
“We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the FBI’s decision” to seek surveillance warrants on Page, Horowitz’s report concludes.

Crucially, the report said the so-called Steele dossier — which contained salacious claims about Trump and was held up as a key example of bias in the investigation — “played no role” in the opening of the probe into Trump campaign officials.
But the reporting from British former intelligence officer Christopher Steele did play a “central and essential role” in the decision to apply for a surveillance warrant on Page.

And Horowitz’s probe did find “serious performance failures” made by some agents in charge of the surveillance applications submitted to the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
Those failures included numerous “factual misstatements omissions” found in the review — some more significant than others, the report said, but when “taken together resulted in [surveillance] applications that made it appear that the information supporting probable cause was stronger than was actually the case.”

Despite the indications from early reports that Horowitz’s findings would deflate many of Trump’s allegations about FBI wrongdoing, the president tweeted Sunday afternoon that the watchdog report “will be the big story!”

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement Monday afternoon that “The shocking report from the DOJ Inspector General shows an out-of-control FBI under President Obama and former Director Jim Comey.”

The evidence in the report “shows a repeated effort to mislead the FISA Court long after the FBI was aware the ‘Dossier’ was false, phony and could not be used justify spying on the Trump Campaign,”
Grisham said. “The American people should be outraged and terrified by this abuse of power. This should never happen to another presidential candidate or any American ever again.”

Attorney General William Barr, who came under fire in April for asserting that he believed the Trump campaign was spied upon, said in a lengthy statement that the Horowitz report “reflects a clear abuse of the FISA process.”
“The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Barr said.

Barr had drawn scrutiny for spearheading a separate, broader investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe by the DOJ itself. He explained in May that he considered the inspector general’s powers to be too “limited” to sufficiently answer his questions about the probe into Trump’s campaign.

John Durham, the U.S. attorney Barr appointed to that broader probe, said in a statement that “while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened.”
Judge Says Trump Must Pay $2 Million Over Misuse Of Foundation Funds

A New York judge has ruled that President Trump must pay $2 million in damages to settle claims that the Trump Foundation misused funds. The money will go to a group of charities, and the foundation is in the process of dissolving.

The case is tied to a televised fundraiser for veterans held by Trump in Iowa when he was running for president in January 2016. Trump had said the funds raised would be distributed to charities. But according to court documents, the Trump Foundation improperly used $2.82 million it received from that fundraiser.
According to the judgment, that money "was used for Mr. Trump's political campaign and disbursed by Mr. Trump's campaign staff, rather than by the Foundation," which is unlawful. However, Justice Saliann Scarpulla says the funds did eventually reach charity organizations supporting veterans.

"The Trump Foundation has shut down, funds that were illegally misused are being restored, the president will be subject to ongoing supervision by my office, and the Trump children had to undergo compulsory training to ensure this type of illegal activity never takes place again," New York Attorney General Letitia James, whose office filed the case, said in a statement. "The court's decision, together with the settlements we negotiated, are a major victory in our efforts to protect charitable assets and hold accountable those who would abuse charities for personal gain."
The Trump Foundation also agreed last month to distribute its $1.7 million in remaining assets to the same charities that will receive the $2 million in damages ordered on Thursday. According to the judgment, those charities are Army Emergency Relief, Children's Aid Society, Citymeals-on-Wheels, Give an Hour, Martha's Table, United Negro College Fund, United Way of National Capital Area, and U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

The Trump Foundation agreed to dissolve last December in the face of an investigation from then-New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood. She accused the foundation of a broad pattern of illegal activity, including improper political activities and "repeated and willful self-dealing transactions."

The final outstanding issue, according to the judgment, was the amount that Trump would pay in damages over the Iowa fundraiser. James had sought the entire $2.82 million, but the judge determined that $2 million was sufficient because the money raised eventually reached veterans' charities.
This case was prompted by David Fahrenthold's reporting in The Washington Post about the foundation, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 2017.

A statement from the Trump Foundation said it was "pleased to donate" the $2 million to the charitable organizations. It praised the judge for not imposing a penalty beyond the $2 million in damages.
The president tweeted, "I am the only person I know, perhaps the only person in history, who can give major money to charity ($19M), charge no expense, and be attacked by the political hacks in New York State. No wonder we are all leaving! Every penny of the $19 million raised by the Trump Foundation went to hundreds of great charitable causes with almost no expenses."
He said James "is deliberately mischaracterizing this settlement for political purposes," and that she should investigate the Clinton Foundation.
Alan S. Futerfas, a lawyer for the Trump Organization, said last December that "the Foundation has been seeking to dissolve and distribute its remaining assets to worthwhile charitable causes since Donald J. Trump's victory in the 2016 Presidential election."

Three of Trump's children — Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump — were also named in the lawsuit.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington has been scrutinizing the Trump Foundation for years. "Today's settlement of the suit brought by the New York Attorney General's Office is a fitting and poetic end to this scandal," CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder said in a statement.

Stealing money from vets :facepalm:

:bsflag: :dislike: STFU :dislike: :bsflag:

:stfu: :stfu: :stfu: :stfu: :stfu: :stfu: :stfu: :stfu:

I mean, Jesus Christ, man. Don't you think you have a little bit of :kettle: showing? Just maybe, cupcake?

LITERALLY: The entire fucking world knew where to send their money, when they wanted to have their way with that harpy twat, and her boy Barry - she sold US foreign policy for personal fucking gain, you profoundly stupid, born followers.

Donations to the Clinton Foundation Continue to Plummet, Because She Has No Favors to Sell:


Now go change your tampon, sunshine. (Surely, you need it - the truth hurts the inexperienced, and there I go, busting your cherry!)

LITERALLY: The entire fucking world knew where to send their money, when they wanted to have their way with that harpy twat, and her boy Barry - she sold US foreign policy for personal fucking gain, you profoundly stupid, born followers.

So, if we ignore everything we know about you and pretend for a second that you're right (you're not), your argument is that it's ok for trump to steal from a charity, because Hillary Clinton (who is the worst person in the world) did it, and if the worst person in the world does it, it's fine? Is that the line you're using?

(Of course, it's impossible that donations to the Clinton foundation would decline because her career is winding down after her last failed run at president, that would be ludicrous).

Forced to dissolve his foundation after judge confirms its "shocking pattern of illegality".
Forced to pay 2 million over misuse of its funds.
Settles fraud suit over Trump University (after repeatedly stating he NEVER settles law suits - that settling is tantamount to admitting guilt lol)
Oh yeah he's a sterling example to us all :1orglaugh

zee wrote:(Of course, it's impossible that donations to the Clinton foundation would decline because her career is winding down after her last failed run at president

Now now! You should know that sort of clear and simple logic is frowned upon around here :mad:
"Get That Shit the Fuck Out of Here, Ninnies!" - Mitch Prepared to Flush Impeachment Turd with Extreme Prejudice:

McConnell will move to acquit Trump if he's impeached, not merely dismiss charges, 2 Republican senators say

If the politically-motivated shitshow and blatant abuse of mechanisms of government, in a sad and futile attempt to smear your victorious rival, doesn't fit... well then, you must acquit. Wasn't that fun, twat cabbages? Your wittle peach party? Okay - back to 'work', assholes :rofl2:

:bsflag: :dislike: STFU :dislike: :bsflag:

:stfu: :stfu: :stfu: :stfu: :stfu: :stfu: :stfu: :stfu:

I mean, Jesus Christ, man. Don't you think you have a little bit of :kettle: showing? Just maybe, cupcake?

LITERALLY: The entire fucking world knew where to send their money, when they wanted to have their way with that harpy twat, and her boy Barry - she sold US foreign policy for personal fucking gain, you profoundly stupid, born followers.

Donations to the Clinton Foundation Continue to Plummet, Because She Has No Favors to Sell:


Now go change your tampon, sunshine. (Surely, you need it - the truth hurts the inexperienced, and there I go, busting your cherry!)


So, if we ignore everything we know about you and pretend for a second that you're right (you're not), your argument is that it's ok for trump to steal from a charity, because Hillary Clinton (who is the worst person in the world) did it, and if the worst person in the world does it, it's fine? Is that the line you're using?

(Of course, it's impossible that donations to the Clinton foundation would decline because her career is winding down after her last failed run at president, that would be ludicrous).
There is zero evidence for what you allege.
And yet so much against the Cheeto.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
For everyone that's said at any point that Trump won't be impeached. Surprise, motherfuckers, articles of impeachment just passed the house judiciary committee, for all intents and purposes, The Orange Pig just got impeached. Reap what you sow, TrumpTards.
For everyone that's said at any point that Trump won't be impeached. Surprise, motherfuckers, articles of impeachment just passed the house judiciary committee, for all intents and purposes, The Orange Pig just got impeached. Reap what you sow, TrumpTards.

Honey, we've been over this, but you're too dense, and I don't want to bore the rest of the class with knowledge that they're already in possession of. Just let's make a deal: you run your neck when your wet dreams of (1) the President being removed from office (child, please) or/and (2) failing to win a second term (see previous parenthetical note) actually jerk themselves into a creamy liberal reality.






Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Note that no attempt is made to defend the Trump family actual crimes and acts of sheer assholery.

The usual deflections, and - school of Trump, right there - trying to insult your way out of a tight corner.
Their charity was ordered shut down.....
This means it was corrupt.
You choose to only see what you want to see flipper this will always limit you as a person.

The second part of Sup's indictment of Trump, assholery, entirely justified.

And that's the giveaway with you guys. You hate him. Your reactions are almost wholly emotional, and petulant. You don't like that bad man, and you want him impeached. It doesn't work that way, precious. You can lob accusations at people you don't like, if you really want to, all day. But you can't remove the President of the United States because he's, inarguably, a fatmouth windbag that you don't like. There are rules, sugarpie. Now go play with Sup'.
https://www.axios.com/trump-impeachment-legacy-history-9573ee72-5b3d-4a8f-a2cb-47cde705990b.html :rofl:



The Dick is projecting how TrumpTards still feel about the former president. :rofl:

Obsessively hoping that, in private, Trump is unhappy. No, you're not jilted-ex-girlfriend-level obsessed with the President, not at all. I mean, everyone's looking at his Instagram, right? :rofl2:

Seriously, do you/did you get crushes on your friend's dad's? :lurk:

It just seems that you have a thing for older men, and power. :yesyes:

"Defeating My Opponent at the Polls, and Defeating My Unscrupulous and Corrupt Enemies in Government, and Overcoming All of Their Attacks, To Leave Them Defeated, Humiliated, and Demoralized At the Polls A Second Time"

Yeah. Haunting legacy. :rofl2:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
"Defeating My Opponent at the Polls, and Defeating My Unscrupulous and Corrupt Enemies in Government, and Overcoming All of Their Attacks, To Leave Them Defeated, Humiliated, and Demoralized At the Polls A Second Time"

I wasn't aware that Barack Obama said that, good on you, President Obama, you did just that. :coolthumb:
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