When did you started to trust these fake news medias ?
Anyway, it is true that the US unemployment rate is at its lowest un 16 years. But it has be continuously and steadily declining since 2010 so you can't pretend that this 16 years low is because of Trump
https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000000Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Series Id: LNS14000000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Unemployment Rate
Labor force status: Unemployment rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over
So, you're using datas you do know to be "extremely misleading" ?
There’s nothing misleading about it.
You should know misleading, it’s the left’s bread and butter.
Just like your unemployment numbers bullshit.
Unemployment numbers peaked in 2008 and coupled with increased part time hires the numbers were highly skewed.
All that together makes it look like unemployment has been steadily decreasing due to Obama’s economic policies.
Just like the bullshit they tried to peddle about the deficit decreasing under Obama. When you start with. 750 billion failed stimulus in the first year, of course statistically the deficit is decreasing.
http://news.gallup.com/opinion/chairman/181469/big-lie-unemployment.aspxHere's something that many Americans -- including some of the smartest and most educated among us -- don't know: The official unemployment rate, as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, is extremely misleading.
http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-m...-trump-right-us-just-had-best-jobs-report-16/Indeed, today’s unemployment rate -- 4.4 percent -- is tied for the lowest in the past 16 years, going back to June 2001.
http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-m...-trump-right-us-just-had-best-jobs-report-16/The official unemployment rate, as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, is extremely misleading.
The unemployment numbers were skewed during Obama because his disastrous healthcare mandate caused full time employment to decrease in favor of part time hiring.
Liberals: Been fooling the world with smoke, mirrors and bullshit since 1917.
Yes, it is. Not according to me but according to the gallup article you used !
It's the first paragraph form the article. An article YOU used to support your claim that under Obama, the numbers were skewed.
The very article you used to claim that under Obama, numbers were skewed actually says, in it's first paragraph, that the numbers you used to defend Trump's policies and their effects on the US economy are "extremely misleading"
You were so eager to backup you claim that under Obama, numbers were skewed, you didn't even realised that it would backfire, totally dismissing the pioint you were trying to make in that thread.
When did you started to trust these fake news medias ?
Anyway, it is true that the US unemployment rate is at its lowest un 16 years. But it has be continuously and steadily declining since 2010 so you can't pretend that this 16 years low is because of Trump
Now that is a fucking lie.
If the left didn’t have smoke and mirrors they couldn’t survive. How does it feel to a part of an ideology that can’t even cite basic labor statistics without cloaking them in lies?
Irony: using The Heartland Institute as a reliable source while it is sponsored by the tabacco industry to deny the health risks of secondhand smoke, and the oil and gas industry to deny climate change.
Come on man, I'm sure you can find a better source than that.
Stupid and uneducated Trump base can believe in whatever that pleases them. That does not change facts.