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The Toxic State of America

This is a terrific article and is absolutely spot on about the degree of polarization and isolation that exists in America today. The division between left and right is wider than any other time I can recall. In fact, as the article states, so much so that we have bred someone like James Hodgkinson who decided that killing the opposition was the answer to this great divide. That's how crazy things have gotten.

However, I do not agree that President Trump, as the article claims, is the catalyst for this phenomenon of ideological division and increasing intolerance for the views of the opposing side. Au contraire, he is the result of it. A very motivated and pissed-off part of the American electorate and a very flawed and uninspiring democratic nominee (think about it....would Hillary have been the de facto choice for the nomination had she been a man???) that repressed voter participation gave Trump the surprising (to the media that is....I and many others had predicted that Trump would win beforehand) and overwhelming victory. Maybe not a mandate but damned close to it. A huge portion of the American people are absolutely fed up with the state of affairs inside the beltway and Trump's populist message definitely resonated with them.

I think there is plenty of responsibility to go around on both sides of the political spectrum that would explain how things got to the degree that they are at the present time. Those on the left use Trump as the reason for everything negative about the political climate in the US when the truth is that none of us can look in the mirror and say that we are not a part of the problem. It is really sad that we cannot even have a legitimate exchange of ideas, thoughts or concerns without it turning into a mud-slinging mosh pit of hatred and derision in short order. This forum is a perfect example of this trend. What's really troubling is that it doesn't appear that the situation is going to improve to any measurable degree anytime soon. In fact, it only seems to be getting more pronounced.

One of the things I like to do is use the double-play feature on my DirecTV DVR to watch the evening op-ed shows (they ARE NOT news shows by any definition) on MSNBC and Fox News simultaneously. Often one would think that the the networks are not even on the same planet, their viewpoints and stances on what issues are actually pertinent and what the resulting conclusions that can be drawn are really that far apart. Try it sometime....it is amazing. I think that a pretty good number of people only get their information from sources that tend to coincide with their established predisposed political beliefs. Instead of seeking knowledge they look for a source to validate their own biases. As a result, they aren't even aware of the reasoning of the opposing side. All they know is that they are right and the other side is wrong, case closed. Neither network (or a number of others) are helping to bridge the ideology gap. Quite the opposite, rather than blaming President Trump for exacerbating the polarized atmosphere the media should tend to their own glass houses instead.
However, I do not agree that President Trump, as the article claims, is the catalyst for this phenomenon of ideological division and increasing intolerance for the views of the opposing side.

Insofar as he was The Birther King - head coach of arguably the most moronic, divisive tin foilers in our history - I beg to differ.

Not meaning to say the left hasn't contributed to the divisiveness as well. It has. But to have this person be president - even based on that consideration alone, apart from everything else - has rendered me, a generally fairly flexible thinker, all but completely incapable of respecting him, which makes tolerating him immensely difficult as well.
Insofar as he was The Birther King - head coach of arguably the most moronic, divisive tin foilers in our history - I beg to differ.

Not meaning to say the left hasn't contributed to the divisiveness as well. It has. But to have this person be president - even based on that consideration alone, apart from everything else - has rendered me, a generally fairly flexible thinker, all but completely incapable of respecting him, which makes tolerating him immensely difficult as well.

Let's say for the sake of argument that Trump completely created the "Birther" brouhaha.

No matter what leftwing sites like politifact and factcheck claim, there is no way that Mark Penn's memo questioning Obama's American roots was not as much if not more racist than simply questioning a candidate or president's constitutional qualifications to serve.

The seed planted for the birther argument was by the Hillary Clinton campaign and that is an undeniable fact.



Nothing, in this article, we didn't already knew.

When a candidate calls his opponent supporters "deplorables", when a candidate promises to put his opponent behind bars and his supporters chants "lock her up", when a big chunk of citizens claim the President is not even an American citizen, you know the political climate is deeply toxic.


I'm all for equal rights for everyone, but why are they forcing PC crap and gender neutrality on us?
People should be able to say what they want unless it's hateful or inciting hate, that hate comes from repressed emotions from the people spewing it.
And isn't the gender of a person defined by physiology not the emotional state !?!?!?
The self-absorbed far-right and far-left are the ones who cause all this crap, because they can't think for themselves and need to blindly follow any "false prophet" who knows how to manipulate and con people into believing their verbal crap.

I don't know what the correct path is, but this social experiment is driven primarily by the greed for money and power, like all BS religions, politics, and other retarded ideologies.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The key problem with this film:

It uses the tags they talk about. Itis not "creation" and it is not made by "design" So there is no creator and no designer. It is ad was ever growing andmoving on and next generations are different, because former generations made decisions and because these two parents had children, not some other two.

There is no spacegod somewhere pre-designing EVERYTHING and seeing and hearing EVERYTHING


Yes, the video shows the unrealistic beliefs of the far-right and far-left.