The reason for buying a gun


Amusing if fairly cheap mass-producer weapon is an expensive collector's item.


Anyway...I am ordering my home protection from license required, or registration.
I can nail a bad guy from 200 yards and have him waiting for the Popo when they eventually arrive.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Amusing if fairly cheap mass-producer weapon is an expensive collector's item.

It was cheap to produce, because Nazi Germany commandeered all of the manufacturing for it's war machine, and basically used the people like slave labor.

What a well made, and advanced piece of weaponry though. The fucking Germans can make some good shit.
I never said that and since when do I imply anything? I said that people who assume that they will always be taken care of are bitches. And if you look up the definition, you'll see that's what being a bitch amounts too.

Again, I never said it, never implied it, you got the wrong guy.

OK I'll bite, what exactly does make someone unprepared or unwilling to defend themselves?

Hey I'll chat wichya anytime. But this last sentence pretty much confuses me about why the preceding ones are preceding it.

You said anti gun people call the police and wait. Or cross the street because of shifty people. Sleep in the bathtub? Says who? I know youre being humorous with the bathtub, but all 3 comparisons seem insulting. A guy who is against guns can't go find the person invading his home? Why can't he call the police and chase the guy? You need a gun to do that? Is this some anti gun stereotype I'm unaware of?


You said anti gun people call the police and wait. Or cross the street because of shifty people. Sleep in the bathtub? Says who? I know youre being humorous with the bathtub, but all 3 comparisons seem insulting. A guy who is against guns can't go find the person invading his home? Why can't he call the police and chase the guy? You need a gun to do that? Is this some anti gun stereotype I'm unaware of?

You think I'm being humorous with the bathtub thing? Yeah, the folks in Cabrini Green think it's a hoot. I suggest you do some research about Chicago, Detroit, Harlem etc before too many more belly laughs.

And if all three comparisons seem insulting, fuck it, be insulted. If you want to go hunting down home invaders without protection, have at it. It's just another thread looking for a new moderator to me.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Surprise! I actually don't (totally) disagree with you here! :eek: More than a few of my friends aren't gun people. And I've often been asked why I "needed" a gun, or so many guns. I learned a LONG time ago that there was not a logical justification for why I needed a gun. So I base my responses on the issue of choice. I look at my guns the same way that I look at the high performance cars that I own or have owned: they are just things that I wanted at the time that I bought them. Some are for hunting. Some are for target shooting. Some are more suited for home or personal defense (though I don't walk around "strapped" and I don't practice my quick-draw while standing in front of the mirror, like a recently departed moron). Some are just collectibles that I never shoot. So no, I don't ever say that I need a gun, certainly not one with a drum magazine. Just like I don't ever say that I need a car that will go 150 mph+. So why do I have them? Like I said, just because I want them. I'm into them. I like them. I'm fascinated by them. I'm just an overgrown kid in many ways: I like toys. I have high performance engines for cars that I'll probably never drive and maybe don't currently own - I'm looking at an old Ferrari 3.0 liter V8 engine to buy... and I don't own a Ferrari! In that way, I'm like a woman in a Gucci store staring at the shoe rack... and she already owns 500 pairs of shoes. So as long as I have the right to own what I choose to own, that's what I'll keep doing. And as long as I act responsibly (it's the irresponsible actions of others that pose the greatest threat to my rights, IMO), I don't see any need to justify what I have or how I live.

I really quite like the honesty of this post, and I think it is getting to why America is so alone on this issue.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
You are missing several other reasons for owning a gun. Target for one. It is a skill for shooting guns and as I have noted to you on other threads that the Finns are at the top of Olympic stats for medals in that category. It's hand/eye coordination, distance and trajectory to do that. So what are You Missing here? You are implying that gun owners and users are just a bunch of...what? An overgrown bunch of back-country people? People that are afraid of where they live? No. People own guns for many reasons. And one of them is because they have the right to. It ain't different from any other nation or society that allows that.

Yeah, but when you need a good old fashioned 1000yd head shot...who ya gonna call?

The American sniper/SWAT team. Now that's skill!


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
The hunter, lawman and soldier need weapons for professional reasons.

The avarage citizen buy them because they are afraid that someone is doing something to them.

In my view it's okay until one of the latter will start to argue that a person who does not own the gun is a wimp.

I mean if you're afraid to be at home or go out without that you have a weapon with you then it is better that you do not use that word very easily.


You are missing several other reasons for owning a gun. Target for one. It is a skill for shooting guns and as I have noted to you on other threads that the Finns are at the top of Olympic stats for medals in that category. It's hand/eye coordination, distance and trajectory to do that. So what are You Missing here? You are implying that gun owners and users are just a bunch of...what? An overgrown bunch of back-country people? People that are afraid of where they live? No. People own guns for many reasons. And one of them is because they have the right to. It ain't different from any other nation or society that allows that.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
You are missing several other reasons for owning a gun. Target for one. It is a skill for shooting guns and as I have noted to you on other threads that the Finns are at the top of Olympic stats for medals in that category. It's hand/eye coordination, distance and trajectory to do that. So what are You Missing here? You are implying that gun owners and users are just a bunch of...what? An overgrown bunch of back-country people? People that are afraid of where they live? No. People own guns for many reasons. And one of them is because they have the right to. It ain't different from any other nation or society that allows that.

Yeah, but when you need a good old fashioned 1000yd head shot...who ya gonna call?

The American sniper/SWAT team. Now that's skill!

EDIT: I have no idea, how in the fuck that happened.
You are missing several other reasons for owning a gun. Target for one. It is a skill for shooting guns and as I have noted to you on other threads that the Finns are at the top of Olympic stats for medals in that category. It's hand/eye coordination, distance and trajectory to do that. So what are you missing here? You are implying that gun owners and users are just a bunch of...what? An overgrown bunch of back-country people? People that are afraid of where they live? No. People own guns for many reasons. And one of them is because they have the right to. It ain't different from any other nation or society that allows that.

Why a civilian buy a dangerous thing such as quess is that he or she will do that for safety reason, but surely there are also other reasons.

I do not think that the Finnish Olympic athletes keep their weapons at home.

I believe that anyone can buy a gun if there is a good reason, so the gun owners are not a homogenous group.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Amusing if fairly cheap mass-producer weapon is an expensive collector's item.

Go price a pre-1942 P38 Walther, with the Nazi markings still on it, or a WWI P08 Luger (esp. an artillery model) and get back to me on what's "expensive". ;) Machine guns, unlike pistols, are TIGHTLY controlled and they're relatively rare. And one with significant historical value from 70 years ago becomes quite valuable. A "real" German MG-42 in good shape goes for $27,000 or better. But a Yugoslav MG-42 copy can be had for $5,000 or less... assuming it was already in the U.S. and registered before 1986.

As far as what I NEED , that's irrelevant, however, what I have a RIGHT to...that's another discussion....but I do see your logic. I however, DO practice quick draw, but not in front of a mirror, and I do walk around strapped EVERY day. It's good to keep in practice, because it's a serious responsibility. As far as the Ferrari engine goes...that would make one HELL of a dune buggy...or a very dangerous trike!

The Ferrari engine is just a "dead lump" (the timing belt broke and the valves are bent all to hell and it's locked up tight as a drum). I just want it because it's a Ferrari engine (like I said, I'm a kid at heart). I wouldn't sink the (outrageous) money into rebuilding it, since I have no use for it anyway. It'll just get de-greased, shined up and put on a fancy stand in the corner of my shop... if I get silly enough to buy it. Including the 5.3 V12 Jaguar engine (which I actually do/did intend on rebuilding into a 600hp 6.0 liter monster when I bought it), the Mazda 12A rotary racing engine, the Chrysler 383 Magnum V8 and the original/unrebuilt Chevy 283 from 1962, I'm getting a nice little collection of completely useless and totally pointless toys in that shop - very similar to my gun safe. :D

I'm OK with (responsible) people who choose to get CCWs. Years ago I had one - and that was back when you had to show a "need" to get one. Since moving here, I decided that I would not carry a firearm on a daily basis. Just a personal decision. My father did not carry a gun (except when there was a "situation" with rustlers, trespassers, etc.) and I'm striving to be more like him. Way back when I bought my first Jag, I visited him and left it parked in front of his house the entire time I was there... unlocked and with the keys in the ignition. That told me that it's more important to have a reputation as a man not to be toyed with than a man with a gun on his side. But if there was a major issue with people or wild animals on my land (bears, coyotes and even big cats are becoming more of an issue here), yeah, I'd reach for a firearm before going outside. I'm only half-brave, but I try not to be overly stupid. :D

Maybe it was an exaggerated statement, but if I had to face full-sized wolf I hope that I would have ultimate killing machine like MG-42 with me.

Fortunately the wolfes are not usually aggressive towards people.

You can't have an MG-42. :nono: You'd just shoot your eye out. :yesyes:

I really quite like the honesty of this post, and I think it is getting to why America is so alone on this issue.

Yes, in many ways we are. And there are other things about our society that are pretty unique, both good and bad - this is just one. Especially in the south and the west/mid-west, firearms are seen more as parts of the culture than in the northern and eastern parts of the country. A gun may get passed down from father to son to grandson to great-grandson. And each generation will know the story behind the weapon and how it came to be in the family. Upon my uncle's death (assuming I don't precede him), an 1866 Winchester that my great great-grandfather bought just after the Civil War will pass to me. And after me, since I don't have or want kids? :dunno: But I know other people who also have guns that have been in their families for many, many years. And those guns, as much as any other heirloom, represent that family's history, whether the surrounding events were famous or infamous.

But at the same time, I agree that our fascination with firearms (whether it's pro or anti gun) provides a hindrance to finding effective, practical solutions to the issue of gun violence. I propose solutions every day of the year... that's what I basically do for a living. But if all I do is put words on a piece of paper, to replace the words that people are already ignoring, that would be a waste of everyone's time and they'd stop paying me. Then I couldn't buy any more toys... and I'd likely turn to a life of crime. I see myself as a pimp at heart. My only issue is that women never do what I tell them to do! Could be a problem... :hairpull:


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Why a civilian buy a dangerous thing such as quess is that he or she will do that for safety reason, but surely there are also other reasons.

I do not think that the Finnish Olympic athletes keep their weapons at home.

I believe that anyone can buy a gun if there is a good reason, so the gun owners are not a homogenous group.

I don't own a gun. Why? Because It's a pain in the ass to have one.

1. I'd have to care for it and protect it.
2. I don't have any real reason to protect myself against from people that have guns. I've lived and worked in NYC, rural NY, and now in NJ. At no time have I ever fealt that I needed a gun to anywhere that I have traveled. I have, and continue to travel to Camden, Philly, Newark, Asbury Park, Yonkers, Atlantic City and other dangerous places. No one has ever pulled a gun out at me and I don't think if I had one, that it would change the situation. I'd rather hand over the money then risk a bullet fly.
3. I don't have coyoteys or bears or wild cats digging into my garbage.
4. My interest in shooting targets died when I was 16. I tried archery but lost interest in that too.
5. Even if I still had any of the above interests or concerns, guns cost money. So does the track but I'm not looking for another hobby.

So yes, gun owners are not are a homogenous group. And so aren't the ones that don't own guns.

You don't think the Finnish shooting team have guns at their homes? Please expand on that statement.


Official Checked Star Member
for those of you who think you can defend yourself against a gun with a knife or a baseball bat or a cricket bat, then let's put your money where your mouth is.

I think we should put our in-house counsel BC to work here and figure out a way that we could legally make this happen.

I will volunteer to be the one with the gun. I will also put up the $$$ to the winner. whatya say $5,000 if you can successfully defend yourself without a gun against me with a gun. not to mention you could get to give me a legal beating AND brag about it as well as the $5,000.

I'll make it fair and won't use my mossberg 12 gauge and instead will just use my snub nose .38 revolver with wad cutters

so you and your hand held blunt object against me with my .380 loaded with 6 wad cutter rounds that travel 1000 feet per second and can go clean through a wall or car door or engine block

So who's first?


Was King of the Board for a Day
for those of you who think you can defend yourself against a gun with a knife or a baseball bat or a cricket bat, then let's put your money where your mouth is.

I think we should put our in-house counsel BC to work here and figure out a way that we could legally make this happen.

I will volunteer to be the one with the gun. I will also put up the $$$ to the winner. whatya say $5,000 if you can successfully defend yourself without a gun against me with a gun. not to mention you could get to give me a legal beating AND brag about it as well as the $5,000.

I'll make it fair and won't use my mossberg 12 gauge and instead will just use my snub nose .38 revolver with wad cutters

so you and your hand held blunt object against me with my .380 loaded with 6 wad cutter rounds that travel 1000 feet per second and can go clean through a wall or car door or engine block

So who's first?

Why is this of such concern to you? Because some people don't like handling or using guns and realized that there are alternatives to defending themselves with them? Is the idea that someone can be safe without stockpiling and having at hand an automatic or two galling to you in some way? Why issue a challenge that is not idiotic but for all intents and purposes will never happen, but also makes you to be even more unrelenting that nothing beats a gun except another gun?


Official Checked Star Member
dude, anyone who believes that you can beat someone who has a gun with a stick is a fucking MORON. they aren't saying "i don't prefer them", they are outright saying they could defend themselves from someone with a gun with a stick or bat. that's dumb and factually stupid.

and it's illegal why??????????? because the dumb fucks would get CAPPED!!!!!!!!! lol fact. dispute it and YOU are a fucking RE-TARD


Official Checked Star Member
999,999,999 out of 1,000,000,000,000 times the ONLY thing that beats a gun is another gun.

my CCW teacher who is a retired military and retired policeman taught us that when someone breaks into a house their adrenaline is at peak levels and their senses are on high alert so the chances of you getting them with surprise is very unlikely. they are very likely to hear every noise, every movement so surprising them is not likely. so the only thing you can do is make it very clear that YOU pose a threat and nothing says that more than a gun. We were also taught that if someone enters an occupied home they are more likely to be armed. so you can have your cumbersome bat that might not be very easy to swing in close quarters and I'll rack my 12 gauge and make them shit their pants just before I blast a hole in their chests that they will not get up from. you with the bat better make sure you get a very solid head shot or they will get up.

When the bad guys don't have guns, we'll talk about having a baseball bat for self defense. until then, wise up dipshits


Was King of the Board for a Day
dude, anyone who believes that you can beat someone who has a gun with a stick is a fucking MORON. they aren't saying "i don't prefer them", they are outright saying they could defend themselves from someone with a gun with a stick or bat. that's dumb and factually stupid.

and it's illegal why??????????? because the dumb fucks would get CAPPED!!!!!!!!! lol fact. dispute it and YOU are a fucking RE-TARD

It's nice and refreshing to see that you can provide a well thought out and respectable conversation, unlike many of the others here. Oh wait....

I'm not saying I'm capable of this personally, but if it came down to someone who's untrained and unused to handling a gun versus someone who may be well equipped with any other instrument, I'd be inclined to wait it out and see how things would unravel, as opposed to saying "Gun beats rock, paper, and scissors."

You seem to take the idea that people may be able to handle themselves without guns as a threat to your manhood (or womanhood in this case), and I don't fully understand why. If you feel that having a gun is the ultimate way to defend yourself and others, fine, I have no qualms with that. I don't view guns as the be all and end all to self defense, and with as many people who can just get a gun with no prior training or experience as there are in this day and age, I don't believe that having a gun automatically makes you anymore safe (or safer) than you say a cricket bat does.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
for those of you who think you can defend yourself against a gun with a knife or a baseball bat or a cricket bat, then let's put your money where your mouth is.

I think we should put our in-house counsel BC to work here and figure out a way that we could legally make this happen.

I will volunteer to be the one with the gun. I will also put up the $$$ to the winner. whatya say $5,000 if you can successfully defend yourself without a gun against me with a gun. not to mention you could get to give me a legal beating AND brag about it as well as the $5,000.

I'll make it fair and won't use my mossberg 12 gauge and instead will just use my snub nose .38 revolver with wad cutters

so you and your hand held blunt object against me with my .380 loaded with 6 wad cutter rounds that travel 1000 feet per second and can go clean through a wall or car door or engine block

So who's first?

First off, I know a few people that can disarm you...and do it quickly, and efficiently. Granted, they are far and few between, but they exist. If you are within their grasp of course. This post, and a couple after have not left a clear picture of what you mean. Sure, if point a gun at me from across the room, it isn't going to happen, but if you're RIGHT there, it is certainly possible. You also neglect to allow for the element of surprise. My bat beats your gun, when I'm lurking behind a corner, and you don't know I'm lying in wait. I certainly wouldn't claim to have the skills myself, which is why I carry, and keep a loaded gun in the night stand when I sleep (I have no children).

Oh, and a snub nose revolver is a .38, but the .380 you mentioned is a semi is this a typo, or a second gun, because that plays into it, and auto's and revolvers work differently, and require certain measures of calmness, under malfunctions, and feeding jams.

Please clarify the EXACT scenario, you want to take place, and please be specific about conditions, space, etc.
for those of you who think you can defend yourself against a gun with a knife or a baseball bat or a cricket bat, then let's put your money where your mouth is.

I think we should put our in-house counsel BC to work here and figure out a way that we could legally make this happen.

I will volunteer to be the one with the gun. I will also put up the $$$ to the winner. whatya say $5,000 if you can successfully defend yourself without a gun against me with a gun. not to mention you could get to give me a legal beating AND brag about it as well as the $5,000.

I'll make it fair and won't use my mossberg 12 gauge and instead will just use my snub nose .38 revolver with wad cutters

so you and your hand held blunt object against me with my .380 loaded with 6 wad cutter rounds that travel 1000 feet per second and can go clean through a wall or car door or engine block

So who's first?

Go for it, my weapon of choice will be a frying pan.