The reason for buying a gun

The hunter, lawman and soldier need weapons for professional reasons.

The avarage citizen buy them because they are afraid that someone is doing something to them.

In my view it's okay until one of the latter will start to argue that a person who does not own the gun is a wimp.

I mean if you're afraid to be at home or go out without that you have a weapon with you then it is better that you do not use that word very easily.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I wish I could figure out what in the fuck you're saying half the time, so I can answer your posts. Seriously dude, get some English grammar software.
My apologies.

What I'm trying to say is this;

It is amusing if gun owners argue that a person who does not carry a gun is a sissy.
Sadly your are not helping your case because of the weak arguments you had in the other gun thread.


My apologies.

What I'm trying to say is this;

It is amusing if gun owners argue that a person who does not carry a gun is a sissy.

In my view my commnent was good.

Poor thing that no one understood what I meant.

Us gun owners take a dim view of people who accept as fact that they will always be taken care of.

Someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night-
Anti-Gun - Call the police .... and wait.
Pro-Gun - Protect yourself and others in your house and wait.

Walking down the street/parking garage/alley/subway - you are approached by more than one young person who looks like they might rob/assualt you-
Anti-Gun - hope that they are just on the way somewhere
Pro-Gun - before they get too close, pull your handgun in a way that they see that it's real, and tell them that you're not in the fucking mood (something that has saved my ass twice).

Due to income, you are forced to live in a shit neighborhood, with shit people, many who do shit drugs-
Anti-Gun - hope the lock on your door works and sleep in the bathtub
Pro-Gun - answer the door at night holding your shotgun a few times and watch how the scumbags make it a point to leave you alone and walk a wide radius around your property

The list goes on. Gunowners don't take security for granted.


Closed Account
There are both pros and cons as with all things of course as many have gone over and over on here. Hell a fork can be an extremely dangerous weapon if used in the improper manner so as weaponry it is a tool just as it is as a hunting tool. These things depend upon the folks using them.

Guns, people are too effing stupid for them in the long run so we both need them and can do without by my own standards but that's me and it's not that simple either.

Carry on, just thought I'd throw my two cents in one of these threads. :)

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Us gun owners take a dim view of people who accept as fact that they will always be taken care of.

Someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night-
Anti-Gun - Call the police .... and wait.
Pro-Gun - Protect yourself and others in your house and wait.

Walking down the street/parking garage/alley/subway - you are approached by more than one young person who looks like they might rob/assualt you-
Anti-Gun - hope that they are just on the way somewhere
Pro-Gun - before they get too close, pull your handgun in a way that they see that it's real, and tell them that you're not in the fucking mood (something that has saved my ass twice).

Due to income, you are forced to live in a shit neighborhood, with shit people, many who do shit drugs-
Anti-Gun - hope the lock on your door works and sleep in the bathtub
Pro-Gun - answer the door at night holding your shotgun a few times and watch how the scumbags make it a point to leave you alone and walk a wide radius around your property

The list goes on. Gunowners don't take security for granted.

Great post...unfortunately, once again, the rep system has failed us. Sorry.

assari said:
My apologies.

What I'm trying to say is this;

It is amusing if gun owners argue that a person who does not carry a gun is a sissy.

It's alright, I understand you're just gets frustration sometimes.

But I think you misunderstand, MOST gun owners don't think people that don't own guns are pussies...we just don't appreciate attempts to take our rights away, or being called cowards, because we choose to be proactive, and not become a victim.
Us gun owners take a dim view of people who accept as fact that they will always be taken care of.

Someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night-
Anti-Gun - Call the police .... and wait.
Pro-Gun - Protect yourself and others in your house and wait.

Walking down the street/parking garage/alley/subway - you are approached by more than one young person who looks like they might rob/assualt you-
Anti-Gun - hope that they are just on the way somewhere
Pro-Gun - before they get too close, pull your handgun in a way that they see that it's real, and tell them that you're not in the fucking mood (something that has saved my ass twice).

Due to income, you are forced to live in a shit neighborhood, with shit people, many who do shit drugs-
Anti-Gun - hope the lock on your door works and sleep in the bathtub
Pro-Gun - answer the door at night holding your shotgun a few times and watch how the scumbags make it a point to leave you alone and walk a wide radius around your property

The list goes on. Gunowners don't take security for granted.

Great post...unfortunately, once again, the rep system has failed us. Sorry.

It's alright, I understand you're just gets frustration sometimes.

But I think you misunderstand, MOST gun owners don't think people that don't own guns are pussies...we just don't appreciate attempts to take our rights away, or being called cowards, because we choose to be proactive, and not become a victim.

I understand what you mean and I am grateful that you are trying to understand what I'm trying to say despite the fact that it will be "little" hard sometimes.

I can not say anything which is related to the U.S gun laws and I have nothing against people who own a gun and use and maintain them correctly.

The gun-legal or illegal-becomes a social problem only when someone do not know how to use them properly.
My apologies.

What I'm trying to say is this;

It is amusing if gun owners argue that a person who does not carry a gun is a sissy.

I've said this to Sam Fisher several times. He continues to call me a pussy, breaks some rule for the thousandth time, and gets banned. It's a vicious, yet hilarious circle.
Us gun owners take a dim view of people who accept as fact that they will always be taken care of.

Someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night-
Anti-Gun - Call the police .... and wait.
Pro-Gun - Protect yourself and others in your house and wait.

Walking down the street/parking garage/alley/subway - you are approached by more than one young person who looks like they might rob/assualt you-
Anti-Gun - hope that they are just on the way somewhere
Pro-Gun - before they get too close, pull your handgun in a way that they see that it's real, and tell them that you're not in the fucking mood (something that has saved my ass twice).

Due to income, you are forced to live in a shit neighborhood, with shit people, many who do shit drugs-
Anti-Gun - hope the lock on your door works and sleep in the bathtub
Pro-Gun - answer the door at night holding your shotgun a few times and watch how the scumbags make it a point to leave you alone and walk a wide radius around your property

The list goes on. Gunowners don't take security for granted.

You seem to be implying that being anti gun makes someone a bitch. As if they live day to day, scared for their lives.

Not owning a gun doesn't make someone unprepared or unwilling to defend themselves.

And just for the record, I'm not anti gun. I just don't want one.


You seem to be implying that being anti gun makes someone a bitch.

I never said that and since when do I imply anything? I said that people who assume that they will always be taken care of are bitches. And if you look up the definition, you'll see that's what being a bitch amounts too.

As if they live day to day, scared for their lives.

Again, I never said it, never implied it, you got the wrong guy.

Not owning a gun doesn't make someone unprepared or unwilling to defend themselves.

OK I'll bite, what exactly does make someone unprepared or unwilling to defend themselves?

And just for the record, I'm not anti gun. I just don't want one.

Hey I'll chat wichya anytime. But this last sentence pretty much confuses me about why the preceding ones are preceding it.
they aren't a sissy, they are just someone who is very likely to be on the losing end of a very winnable situation

Depends on the situation, I think.

If a fruitcake gun pointing at you then it is better to give the money to him or her, if a wolf attack against you then it is good if you have an MG-42 with you etc.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The hunter, lawman and soldier need weapons for professional reasons.

The avarage citizen buy them because they are afraid that someone is doing something to them.

In my view it's okay until one of the latter will start to argue that a person who does not own the gun is a wimp.

I mean if you're afraid to be at home or go out without that you have a weapon with you then it is better that you do not use that word very easily.


Surprise! I actually don't (totally) disagree with you here! :eek: More than a few of my friends aren't gun people. And I've often been asked why I "needed" a gun, or so many guns. I learned a LONG time ago that there was not a logical justification for why I needed a gun. So I base my responses on the issue of choice. I look at my guns the same way that I look at the high performance cars that I own or have owned: they are just things that I wanted at the time that I bought them. Some are for hunting. Some are for target shooting. Some are more suited for home or personal defense (though I don't walk around "strapped" and I don't practice my quick-draw while standing in front of the mirror, like a recently departed moron). Some are just collectibles that I never shoot. So no, I don't ever say that I need a gun, certainly not one with a drum magazine. Just like I don't ever say that I need a car that will go 150 mph+. So why do I have them? Like I said, just because I want them. I'm into them. I like them. I'm fascinated by them. I'm just an overgrown kid in many ways: I like toys. I have high performance engines for cars that I'll probably never drive and maybe don't currently own - I'm looking at an old Ferrari 3.0 liter V8 engine to buy... and I don't own a Ferrari! In that way, I'm like a woman in a Gucci store staring at the shoe rack... and she already owns 500 pairs of shoes. So as long as I have the right to own what I choose to own, that's what I'll keep doing. And as long as I act responsibly (it's the irresponsible actions of others that pose the greatest threat to my rights, IMO), I don't see any need to justify what I have or how I live.

If a fruitcake gun pointing at you then it is better to give the money to him or her, if a wolf attack against you then it is good if you have an MG-42 with you etc.

An MG-42 for a wolf???!!! You think you need a freakin' machine gun for a big, wild dog??? :facepalm: Uh, might I suggest a pump shotgun or a basic 9mm or .40 cal. handgun? Dude, you really should have quit while you were ahead. You were so close... yet still so far away. ;)

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
An MG-42 for a wolf???!!! You think you need a freakin' machine gun for a big, wild dog??? :facepalm: Uh, might I suggest a pump shotgun or a basic 9mm or .40 cal. handgun? Dude, you really should have quit while you were ahead. You were so close... yet still so far away. ;)

If you have the cash for an MG can afford to move into a neighborhood that doesn't have wolves!! In fact, if you have an MG 42, you likely have several other war curios, and would likely choose the Thompson, as it's easier to load, easier to carry, and the ammo can be bought at any gun shop.

As far as what I NEED , that's irrelevant, however, what I have a RIGHT to...that's another discussion....but I do see your logic. I however, DO practice quick draw, but not in front of a mirror, and I do walk around strapped EVERY day. It's good to keep in practice, because it's a serious responsibility. As far as the Ferrari engine goes...that would make one HELL of a dune buggy...or a very dangerous trike!
An MG-42 for a wolf???!!! You think you need a freakin' machine gun for a big, wild dog??? :facepalm: Uh, might I suggest a pump shotgun or a basic 9mm or .40 cal. handgun? Dude, you really should have quit while you were ahead. You were so close... yet still so far away. ;)

Maybe it was an exaggerated statement, but if I had to face full-sized wolf I hope that I would have ultimate killing machine like MG-42 with me.

Fortunately the wolfes are not usually aggressive towards people.