The positives of smoking.

Cigarettes 4000 plus chemicals and carbon monoxide will eventually kill you.
Consider smoking an e cigarette. You inhale a mixture of nicotine and water vapor without all the cancer causing substances!
I am a former Newport smoker and my last Newport was November 1. I have no desire to return to those killers (after 25 years of them) now with my e cigarette. I get the nicotine, without the cancer causing chemicals. Please look into them if you are a smoker.

They completely satisf me and my smoker's cough is gone and my energy level is through the roof. I feel much better.
You can eat damn near anything because you can't taste any of it.
The only positive thing about smoking is that it's an easy conversation starter.

Anyone ever tried one of those electronic cigarettes? Should be even a bigger conversation started I think.
Positives of smoking? Like saying after your house burned down at least the heat from the blaze made the daffodils out in the garden come out early.

Very cool analogy. :thumbsup: To answer the original question....none. I am going through the quitting process again right now.....and it sucks......but I feel way better. Smell better too, in more ways than one.
Unlike drug users and alcoholics, addicted smokers can still think clearly.