Good to have ya Back Hitman
Sexxy Stuff as allways Miss Lelu Love
I have been busy trying to get a job and I feel like I have been spending hours online looking for work . I need to get a job because I have some big plans for the Videovangaurd
I am going to start putting up some podcasts with some local bands I have been hanging out with where we just geek out about movies, music, and other fun shit. The next phase would be to have a podcast where adult entertainers can get together with hollywood actors ,musicians, and regular fans and just have everyone geek out about a certain topic. For the fans of this forum this would be a great way to better connect with your favorite starlet. How cool would it be to know that you favorite model loves the same music as you or has seen a movie you like. For the stars this would be a great way to better connect wiht your fans. This is a work in progress for the Videovangaurd
Thanks again to Nikki Nova and Miss Hybrid for promoting my site on twitter.
Big love to Vanilla DeVille, XoEve for also getting me exposure on their as well.
Hope everyone else has a good week.