MrFree1z... what the fuck? Just... seriously?! I thought you were cool, you were really nice to me, and now you're going and dissing Jaana? For something she didn't do? Come on, man. She never did anything to Christy Mack or Jessica Rayne. Jessica is the one who made the comment, and I'm presuming it had nothing to do with Jaana's numbers, but more about how she's blind and not as glamourous and flirty and ridiculously popular as Jessica and Christy are. She IS down to earth, contrary to what you would like to believe apparently, and that's what rocks about her- that she doesn't lead this rich, awesome, popular lifestyle, and she keeps kickin it. And how many posts does Jessica have? Well as of last night, she has 3. 3 fucking posts! THAT is a joke. Yeah, I said it.
Miss FreeOnes isn't about the industry as a whole. Otherwise it would be Miss Industry. It's about FreeOnes. No, not just about the board, because all the mods and other folks have and will continue to remind us repeatedly that there are other parts to FO than just the board, but you know what? The board is a pretty big deal, and if a girl can't take some time out of her day or at least every other day to come in here and interact with her FreeOnes fans as opposed to only her fans outside of FreeOnes, then tell me, how the hell does she fully represent FreeOnes? She doesn't!
You can't say that Jaana dissed anyone, because she never did. But you can certainly say that I've dissed Jessica, because I just did it, rightfully so. Until one of those two girls mans up and shows their faces on this board, especially now that everyone knows about the douchebaggery they pulled on twitter, and apologizes, then I will continue to think lowly of what was said. I don't give a damn what a girl's ranking is, I don't care how popular she is or how good looking she is, if she stoops that low, she is forever on my shit list until she makes an effort to get off it. I grew up with people who would constantly put me down and put others down (bullying, picking on me and other kids, etc.) in order to make themselves look better. I hate that! That is really fucked up and juvenile.
Yep. I just said all that. I'm a bitch and proud of it.