I havent seen the UK version yet. A certain site that had it has been recently shutdown. Shame. I do happen to love the US version, though. I think every character is great and Pam is an absolute fox (see Blades of Glory if you have any doubts lol).
American "Office" is watchable. I kind of like it. I've never seen the UK version.
One of the things I'm most bitter about is Comedy Central used to show the BRITISH version of "Who's Line is it Anyways" and Drew Carey brought an "American" version onto ABC a couple of years ago.
I was embarrassed to be an American when that absolute piece of shit "translation" was broadcast. It was nothing but a dumbed down version of the UK. It was the same "games" in the same order with the same comics in the same roles..show after show after show....
Why do UK television producers have respect for their audience and WE don't have any respect for our audience?????
I've tried to watch the American version but it just didn't make any sense to me, the British version was very original at the time. Was a whole new style of sit-com... The American version is just like every other piece of trash you get on TV.