The Next Playstation coming in 2013


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Is it still that blue thing?
Just like there's been rumors of the next Xbox (no disc drive, will be out in holidays of 2012, no used games allowed, etc.) I'm done with rumors. I'll wait until Sony/Microsoft actually speaks
I like buying used games as much as the next guy, but that won't stop me from buying the newest consoles. Ever.
To early for anything official.
Waiting for E3 this year and next years to hear anything about next Xbox or Playstation... but even then things can easily change before an assumed holiday 2013 release date. Its happend far to often.
No it isn't. In fact there is a quote by Sony about how there will be no PS4 revealing at this 2012's E3. Same with Microsoft. Nothing will be revealed. In fact I predict E3 will be dull with maybe few highlights here and there.
No it isn't. In fact there is a quote by Sony about how there will be no PS4 revealing at this 2012's E3. Same with Microsoft. Nothing will be revealed. In fact I predict E3 will be dull with maybe few highlights here and there.

Ya I read that too. Was meaning to hear things that devs are working on at this E3 for next consoles if that. Apparently some developers have dev-kits already for next gen consoles, but not likly to show anything ofcoarse. Just hope this E3 isnt all Wii-U.
With Nintendo's recent financial troubles they better show off something special for Wii-U or this could be their last system. I am intrigued by the system but not enough to convince me of a purchase. I would love to be able to play a game like Skyrim or Zelda And be able to swap out menu items while on the go in the game
With Nintendo's recent financial troubles they better show off something special for Wii-U or this could be their last system. I am intrigued by the system but not enough to convince me of a purchase. I would love to be able to play a game like Skyrim or Zelda And be able to swap out menu items while on the go in the game

Yes the idea of a tablet like controler is convenient to have in many games and at a good time to have big but not to big, full colour hd touch screens that shouldnt cost to much in large bulk to break Nintendos trend of cheap consoles. Guarantee M$ to jump on that wagon with at least a non-mandatory perhiperal since Sony has the Vita already which can be used together with PS3.
With Nintendo's recent financial troubles they better show off something special for Wii-U or this could be their last system. I am intrigued by the system but not enough to convince me of a purchase. I would love to be able to play a game like Skyrim or Zelda And be able to swap out menu items while on the go in the game

Yes the idea of a tablet like controler is convenient to have in many games and at a good time to have big but not to big, full colour hd touch screens that shouldnt cost to much in large bulk to break Nintendos trend of cheap consoles. Guarantee M$ to jump on that wagon with at least a non-mandatory perhiperal since Sony has the Vita already which can be used together with PS3.


knows petras secret: she farted.
bah, i still like nintendo.

ive never gotten into other consoles.

it doesnt matter anyway, years from now, ill still be playing what i always have. nes, gba, and snes.
Yeah, as much as the new stuff might be all shiny and awesome at the time, the classics will always stand on their own. I will also continue to play my SNES and original Game Boy games because they were so much fun. Once I start playing Tetris on my Game Boy, I don't set it down for awhile.

I bought a PS2 back in 2004 and that was the last console I bought. Before that, the newest system I had was my SNES. I only have a handful of games for my PS2, and I mostly use the unit as a DVD player.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I only bought a PS3 last year, I hope this isnt true


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
From the rumours I've read apparently both the next Xbox and the PS4 will not allow games to be played on more than one system. Here's hoping Nintendo doesn't do this.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
These new video game systems are so much better than the cola wars!