The movie you are waiting for the most

Its gonna be a remake, from the icebergs point of view.

I also heard it's going to be done using motion capture animation and George Lucas is writing the script. I suspect the guy who voiced JaJa is going to be doing the voice of the iceberg. Which would be great, 3 and a half hours of screeching and whooping will really be enjoyable to all of us who pay to see it.
The Passion of the Christ 2: Jesus strikes back
As of right now.Terminator:Salvation.It looks like it's gonna be the best movie of the year,and I'm really hoping so.


Closed Account
mrtrebus and blue balls
i really hopeing you busting my balls and total piece of shit like!! is not really in production?
Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows (2010)
The Girlfriend Experience. I can finally watch Sasha Grey in a movie house.
The movie I'm waiting for the most is the good one.

I don't know what it's about, or who's making it, but it's the one that will be good.

To that end, it won't be coming from Michael Bay. :hatsoff:

Terminator Salvation
Transformers 2

But Public Enemies would have to be the one I'm most anticipating this summer.