once solved the worlds problems while drunk but couldn't remember the next day
B bustybbwlover Sep 13, 2010 #63,141 once solved the worlds problems while drunk but couldn't remember the next day
B bustybbwlover Sep 13, 2010 #63,145 finds commercials from big corporations which talk about how they care to be gag worthy
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Sep 13, 2010 #63,146 bustybbwlover said: finds commercials from big corporations which talk about how they care to be gag worthy Click to expand... I don't mean to be rude, but who doesn't? The member above me will have to arm wrestle me for first ride on Vixen Val.
bustybbwlover said: finds commercials from big corporations which talk about how they care to be gag worthy Click to expand... I don't mean to be rude, but who doesn't? The member above me will have to arm wrestle me for first ride on Vixen Val.
B bustybbwlover Sep 13, 2010 #63,147 somebodies gotta buy into that shit or they'd stop making such commercials :dunno: gives people too much credit
somebodies gotta buy into that shit or they'd stop making such commercials :dunno: gives people too much credit
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Sep 14, 2010 #63,154 likes a nice bit of meat in him. mmmmmmmmm
M Member442 Sep 14, 2010 #63,155 seems to not know how to play some of the games in this section. LEAVE A QUESTION FOR THE NEXT PERSON !!!
seems to not know how to play some of the games in this section. LEAVE A QUESTION FOR THE NEXT PERSON !!!