The Member Above Me....

Should know that I had thought Battletech was an very underrated fictional universe for a long time. Unlike most other settings with big robots it was about a lot more than just big robots. (My all time favorite fictional female character [who's in my avatar] comes from it).

(At least before they nuked it to try and get more interest in it, but that seems to happen to pretty much every fictional setting I seem to like. They already did it with Dragonlance, EU Star Wars, Xenosaga/Xenogears, and recently Forgotten Realms. Even Star Trek they haven't been able to resist screwing with it in some way, although at least they haven't hurt the entire setting when they do it like the others. Sometimes it just needs to be understood that you don't fix something that's isn't broke, especially just for marketing reasons.)


Nikki Benz: Simply the best #1!!
needs to host his sign in another server


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Should know that it isn't a necessity.


Nikki Benz: Simply the best #1!!
makes me look at Avril's tits in the middle pic of his sign every single post I see from you!

Should know that it isn't a necessity.
I left this thread open and went to drink one cup of coke... so my post was to Artimus and not D-rock as You Might think! ;)

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
needs to kiss my nose! Im sure it will heal faster then :)

Ill try to get some sleep in a few mins. ;) time tell when you go to bed and Ill come with you :D
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