Is younger than Smitty.
member006 Closed Account May 21, 2007 #31,443 Should know he meant me , actually I'm not. Not if Smitty told the truth. lol
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe May 21, 2007 #31,444 m12 or LadyLove? LadyLove has me beat by 3 years! ...something something something... -cs™
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe May 21, 2007 #31,445 LadyLove said: Should know he meant me , actually I'm not. Not if Smitty told the truth. lol Click to expand... Uh oh..>_> I'm in for it now! -cs™
LadyLove said: Should know he meant me , actually I'm not. Not if Smitty told the truth. lol Click to expand... Uh oh..>_> I'm in for it now! -cs™
D D-rock May 21, 2007 #31,446 (Actually I did mean M12, the page turned over and I didn't see who was above me) Name sounds like one a butler would have.
(Actually I did mean M12, the page turned over and I didn't see who was above me) Name sounds like one a butler would have.
member006 Closed Account May 21, 2007 #31,447 Smitty said: m12 or LadyLove? LadyLove has me beat by 3 years! ...something something something... -cs™ Click to expand... Smitty said: Uh oh..>_> I'm in for it now! -cs™ Click to expand... Well, thanks Smitty. They would have thought 36 and 7 months, but nooooo....
Smitty said: m12 or LadyLove? LadyLove has me beat by 3 years! ...something something something... -cs™ Click to expand... Smitty said: Uh oh..>_> I'm in for it now! -cs™ Click to expand... Well, thanks Smitty. They would have thought 36 and 7 months, but nooooo....
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe May 21, 2007 #31,448 ...knows I'd make a shitty butler... -cs™
nothingandless May 21, 2007 #31,450 knows that there is nothing wrong with stareing at your bosses wife.
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND May 21, 2007 #31,451 But there is wrong with staring at your boss' wife.
sandee's_fun Copyright © by SF . All rights reserved. May 21, 2007 #31,452 ...has a nice new sig . :thumbsup: