Brings forth the strangest stuff off the top of his head, glad he doesn't dig deep.
member006 Closed Account May 3, 2007 #30,981 Brings forth the strangest stuff off the top of his head, glad he doesn't dig deep.
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe May 3, 2007 #30,982 ...has no idea about the strangeness contained in my melon! (Feeling better I hope) -cs™
D D-rock May 3, 2007 #30,986 Knows that if I could I would send her some Candy And a nice new pair of shiny heels to spice things up.
Knows that if I could I would send her some Candy And a nice new pair of shiny heels to spice things up.
member006 Closed Account May 3, 2007 #30,987 Is too sweet . *blushes* Knows if I could I would....nm thank you.