maildude Postal Paranoiac Aug 12, 2010 #19,144 I think Adam West should've fucked Julie Newmar with his powerful atomic bat dick.
L LukeEl I am a failure to the Korean side of my family Aug 13, 2010 #19,145 Two smacks across the face because I likes ya!
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Aug 13, 2010 #19,151 I need a blowjob. Maybe tonight...
B bustybbwlover Aug 14, 2010 #19,153 it's hard to lose, or at least to realize you've lost, when you're full of vodka
M Member442 Aug 14, 2010 #19,155 bustybbwlover said: it's hard to lose, or at least to realize you've lost, when you're full of vodka Click to expand... I would love to be full of vodka tonight. For now I win!!
bustybbwlover said: it's hard to lose, or at least to realize you've lost, when you're full of vodka Click to expand... I would love to be full of vodka tonight. For now I win!!