Merry Pop in ? You can't win, then :D !
~~whimsy~~ Apr 15, 2010 #17,586 Looks like Ezteban has to go through Whimsicalzilla's bootcamp to learn some respect and discipline!
ezteban Apr 15, 2010 #17,587 ~~whimsy~~ said: Looks like Ezteban has to go through Whimsicalzilla's bootcamp to learn some respect and discipline! Click to expand... How many pornstars are living in your camp ?:tongue:
~~whimsy~~ said: Looks like Ezteban has to go through Whimsicalzilla's bootcamp to learn some respect and discipline! Click to expand... How many pornstars are living in your camp ?:tongue:
~~whimsy~~ Apr 15, 2010 #17,588 None. Here's a taste though: However, I was crueler. And over all of them... I WON. Like I do here
boatmonkey69 Apr 15, 2010 #17,590 :rubbel: In the words of the late great Michael Jackson.."Just BEAT IT" :rubbel:
tanktopsrule Apr 19, 2010 #17,597 What kind of Polo? I'll say water Polo with girls in bikini's playing it.