So war was intented 32 years ago, and not before Ancient Greece or Rome?
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND Jan 20, 2010 #16,461 So war was intented 32 years ago, and not before Ancient Greece or Rome?
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND Jan 20, 2010 #16,464 I suppose we agree to disagree You're still here¿
mullet Jan 20, 2010 #16,467 I forgot to read the text with small font... For how long will we disagree?
mullet Jan 20, 2010 #16,469 So the point now is - if I agree, the agreement ends. If I disagree, the agreement will probably never end? I am confused now...
So the point now is - if I agree, the agreement ends. If I disagree, the agreement will probably never end? I am confused now...
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND Jan 20, 2010 #16,470 But we can disagree to agree, but that doesn't make sense either >_<
Born2Jizz Jan 20, 2010 #16,472 mullet said: This is madness... I like it Click to expand... MADNESS???!
mullet said: This is madness... I like it Click to expand... MADNESS???!
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND Jan 21, 2010 #16,474 Sparta??? THIS IS FREEONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mullet Jan 21, 2010 #16,477 Born2Jizz said: MADNESS???! Click to expand... Well, not THAT much madness
Born2Jizz said: MADNESS???! Click to expand... Well, not THAT much madness
~~whimsy~~ Jan 21, 2010 #16,478 There is only one Madness and this is it!!!