
Die For Me
Howdy there pardner
How is Final Fantasy XII? I been wanting to get it but I am not sure. I am weary of it...


Die For Me
Its good so far. A lot different with the new battle system, but I like it. Gives the game more flow imo.
It cost me NZ$20. Bargain.
I see it for 12 dollars and I still can't come to buy it.

I love Final Fantasy up to X. I tried X-2 and it was horrific. It was like that was a test game for XII. Since I see a lot of improvement overall in XII that takes from X-2.


Die For Me
I've played 26 hours so far, and its teh fun.
I only rented X-2, and never played X, so I dont know much about them.
Its got good reviews from critics and fans
X is great, especially for the time it came out.

I am not big fan of SquareEnix anymore. They are just whoring their big titles out with no love and passion behind it.


Die For Me
8 is the only one I've actually finished. I'm not too h4rdcore with FF
Sooo let down with Ultimecia, I'd read all this stuff about how hard she was to beat. Bunch of lies!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'm hungry....