Poor L3ggy. He provides a avatar that I adore (especially black eye lol) and I threaten to eat it and kill it.


And no! Kimmy is not a critter! So it does not apply!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
But she is cute and sweet!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
^What he said.
Ah, I see you back into me. I don't know. Perhaps I can put you in the old oven and see what dadolfo is delicious or not! You tread on the wrong thread today! It's a hungry thread...


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I see YOU!
Whim, if you're going to cook and eat the new contributors we're going to run into trouble. At least let them get to 1,000 posts.

Then we'll find out how delicious they are.

Yummy! L3ggy and the newbie dadolfo! Lurk for dessert! I will be well fed today. Very well fed!
Whim, I've got your four course meal right here:

Why would I eat them? I'd be too busy pleasuring my eyes by gleefully staring at them. A visual feast they will be indeed!

I was watching Red Dragon last night, this thread has assumed the same creepiness.

Whim, I'm not too sure how tasty I'd be.

Oh. My, my, my... Hannibal. He is the one that got me into cannibalism :hatsoff:

I am merely carrying his torch! Yummy. And I ate L3ggy, with a side of meerkat and a nice Jack Daniels

Your level is too weak!

Bah! I am higher level than you by far! You shall not pass my level!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Whimsical Bastard, No, you're not, actually far from.