~~whimsy~~ Oct 20, 2009 #13,582 minidog said: pfffffffffft Click to expand... Then YOU take it up with him! He will listen... Attachments PICT7250.JPG 149 KB · Views: 81
Born2Jizz Oct 20, 2009 #13,588 Thanks for taking my place in my absence, Whims. I hereby relieve you of your duty. Everyone knows that I get Maley! I'm bribing him with an Xmas gift card. HA!
Thanks for taking my place in my absence, Whims. I hereby relieve you of your duty. Everyone knows that I get Maley! I'm bribing him with an Xmas gift card. HA!
Born2Jizz Oct 20, 2009 #13,589 I have to leave..... Migraine is going to make me sick. Whims, spotlight's yours pal!
Vanilla Bear Bears For Life Oct 21, 2009 #13,598 What even SpK wants to win now? Btw hey whimmy I love you, but stop deviling minidee!!
L lurkingdirk Oct 21, 2009 #13,599 M12, i think you should forget them all. we can be very happy together.