:beer: number 4
How high can you go
3 more :beer::beer::beer:

"amateurs" ... Belgiansd invented beer

only 7 ... nice and warm ... need schips
Really. You mean the Egyptians and Aztecs didn't have beer? Also, Beowulf didn't drink beer just before battling Grendel? :ban:
Really. You mean the Egyptians and Aztecs didn't have beer? Also, Beowulf didn't drink beer just before battling Grendel? :ban:

i've just read that in Turkye, 6400 BC, there was a vase or something which showed the excistance of beer. I admit we didn't invent, we just made it better then :1orglaugh .

and again :beer:
guess again ...

NOpe ...

1 more :beer: