It took me years to develop enough of a self esteem so that now, I don't feel like I'm that much influenced by others, when I'm looking at myself. I used to want to change just about everything about me, I think there is some truth to the rule of getting older = getting wiser. I do feel pressure from society in other ways though, not just about body image much anymore.
I hate the looks I get from 90% of the population when I'm out on a date or trying to conduct aspects of my relationship where the public can see. You would think that people would be getting over the stigma of seeing two girls together...It seems like of the 90% I'm talking about, 60% are drooling, neanderthal men, that leer and make me feel creepy (I've gotten used to this over time and I understand some hard-wiring on a guys part, but have some couth!) The other 40% are looks of disapproval from both women and men that I'm guessing have some real conservative slants and can't see the beauty of two individuals being able to 'complete' one another. They see something that is different from them and are judging me on their lack of awareness that sometimes the best things you can find in a partner happen to come from the same sex. Disapproving looks and some real discrimination aside, I still find myself more in the "hetro" world than I do the "gay" world. I find that I still like most of the same things my straight girlfriends like, I don't have to read "Out" to feel 'in'.
I've also had some pretty powerful reinforcement in my life that I'm pretty and desirable. Dancing in a club for nearly a year has filled that tank even if it drained some others, so I don't feel like I need a magazine or movie star's influence to make me feel like I'm beautiful. That's also why you'll hear me rant occasionally about not making drastic changes to your appearance, especially elective surgery, because I've come to like the 'natural' person I am I have this romantic hope that others will realize that about themselves too and not do something that can be hard to reverse.
Not trying to be a 'downer' in a pretty lighthearted thread so far, Thank you Nichelle, for its creation. I have other humors antidotes and observances that I will save for other posts....TTFN!