The Kavanaugh Assassination Plot is a Leftist Inside Job

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

After police arrested a California leftist on a mission to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh, the Biden administration finally condemned the campaign to intimidate the Supreme Court.

“As the president has consistently made clear, public officials, including judges, must be able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety or that of their families," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre falsely claimed.

After leftist activists had posted a map of the homes of Supreme Court justices to harass them, Jen Psaki had retorted. "I don't have an official U.S. government position on where people protest."

There is in fact such a position and it's illegal under 18 U.S.C. § 1507 which states that anyone with "the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness” “pickets or parades in or near a building.... or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both."

Biden just decided not to enforce these laws in order to allow his leftist allies to intimidate the justices.

Not one of the leftists who have spent years harassing Supreme Court justices with protests outside the court and even their homes has been sent off to prison. Nor will they. Pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court, marching around the homes of justices, and trying to prevent them from coming to court have become basic parts of the activist playbook.

Even after the Kavanaugh assassination plot, leftists are continuing to protest outside his home.

The arrest of Nicholas Roske, armed with a Glock 17, and carrying burglar tools, pepper spray, and zip ties, is just the latest in a wave of leftist violence touched off by the hate campaign against Justice Kavanaugh and other conservative justices. Roske was angry about the Roe v. Wade leaked draft and said that he planned to break into Kavanaugh's house and kill him.

Roske found Kavanaugh’s address on the internet after leftist activist groups doxxed him and other justices while encouraging protesters to intimidate them and their families in their homes.

What consequences will Roske face?

Last year, Ronald DeRisi, a New York man, was sentenced to only 18 months in prison after threatening to kill senators who voted to confirm Kavanaugh, including leaving one message, warning, “nine millimeter. Side of your f—ing scull, you scumbag motherf—-r.”

Justice Kavanaugh and his family have been relentlessly harassed since the nomination, the smear campaign and during his time on the Supreme Court. Those threats escalated with the leaked draft decision and were whipped up into a frenzy by the media with Big Tech complicity.

After the draft decision was leaked, fresh death threats poured in for the conservative justices. Twitter threats that still remain up include “ok I will kill samuel alito" and "we either gotta expand the scotus to 15 judges or kill clarence thomas." While Twitter censors conservatives, these death threats are still up.

But it wasn’t just random social media nutjobs. Violent rhetoric had been embraced by the Democrat leadership trying to appease and incite their increasingly deranged leftist base.

“I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you,” Senate Majority Leader Schumer had ranted.

“These justices are in danger that this opinion leaked before it was released publicly. There are people making threats against justices online and elsewhere. The attorney general needs to step up,” a former law clerk for Justice Gorsuch warned. “This is obstruction of justice for people to show up at a federal judge's home to try to influence the outcome of a pending case.”

Protesters harassing a traffic court judge would face charges, but the leftists who have forced Supreme Court justices to hide out at undisclosed locations know the DOJ won’t touch them.

A DHS memo noted that, "threats discussed burning down or storming the U.S. Supreme Court and murdering Justices and their clerks." Nevertheless, its spokesperson insisted that it, "is committed to protecting Americans' freedom of speech and other civil rights and civil liberties, including the right to peacefully protest." Much like the Black Lives Matter riots, leftists harassing justices is a mostly peaceful enterprise except when one of them brings along some zip ties.

The refusal to enforce the laws and stop the leftist harassment is the definition of an inside job.

Demand Justice, backed by the Soros Sixteen Thirty Fund's dark money machine and headed by a former Schumer aide, launched a campaign to force Justice Breyer to resign using a billboard truck driving around the Supreme Court with the message, “Breyer, retire. It’s time for a Black woman Supreme Court justice. There’s no time to waste."

After Breyer agreed to step down to make way for a racial quota leftist, Demand Justice told supporters that their "gushing fire hydrant of bullying tweets" helped force a justice off the court.

The leftist hate group knew that it had nothing to worry about from Attorney General Garland.

When a conspirator leaked the Roe v. Wade abortion draft decision, leftists protested outside the homes of justices and organized a plot to shut down the Supreme Court.

"One of our goals would be to expand the current political crisis by shutting down the Supreme Court," a ShutdownDC organizer boasted. They delivered a public presentation showing off a "detailed tactical plan for blocking access to the Court's underground parking garage, which is the primary entry and exit point for employees and justices."

Instead of enforcing the law, the Biden administration agreed with the protesters that in, “the president’s view is that there’s a lot of passion, a lot of fear, a lot of sadness from many, many people across this country about what they saw in that leaked document.”

Even after the Kavanaugh assassination plot, there’s no sign that AG Garland or the DOJ intend to stop the harassment of conservative justices. While Democrats rant about “threats to democracy” from conservatives, conservative justices in the nation’s highest court have been forced to go into hiding at undisclosed locations for over a month.

That’s not America. It’s what a leftist banana republic looks like. And the message is quite clear. Even if the decision at the heart of the latest assault on the Supreme Court stands, justices are now all too aware that they will be forced from their homes and terrorized over their rulings, and the Biden administration and Attorney General Garland will wink at the intimidation because it is an inside job.

The same leftist activists and money machines helping elect Democrats are also backing the harassment campaigns against the Supreme Court. The Biden administration is not about to turn on its own activists, donors, and extreme base.

Had a conservative been caught trying to assassinate Sotomayor, Kagan, or Ketanji Brown Jackson, it would be the leading nationwide story instead of being buried by the latest gun control push, and would be accompanied by urgent warnings about the threat to democracy.

The media would have no difficulty connecting the dots between the assassination plot, conservative opposition, social media, and every Republican candidate, elected official, or just random voter. Before too long the FBI and the National Guard would be out in force while the skies over D.C. filled with drones and helicopters. Instead, a Supreme Court assassination plot gets buried on Page 7 and before long we’ll hear claims that the assassin was “mentally ill”.

Despite a formal condemnation of this latest incident, the Biden administration has shown little sign that it intends to restrain its political allies or hold them accountable for harassing justices.

Nor is it in their interest to do so.

Had Roske succeeded in assassinating Justice Kavanaugh, Biden would have another Supreme Court seat to fill. Whipping up the mob and then shrugging if one of them goes beyond intimidation to actual murder provides the administration with plausible deniability.

And the Left with the opportunity to claim another Supreme Court seat.

  • Overall, we rate FrontPage Magazine a Questionable source based on Extreme Right Bias, the promotion of conspiracy theories regarding Islam, as well as propaganda that only reports negatively on Islam. This source has also failed numerous fact checks by IFCN fact-checkers.
Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Anti-Muslim
Factual Reporting: LOW
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


stated on July 30, 2015 in an article on the Frontpage website:
"Obama spent $7 billion to bring electricity to Africa, failed miserably."
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Media Bias Fact Check Is the Biggest Scammer on the Internet!​

Media Bias Fact Check describes itself as “the most comprehensive media bias resource in the Internet.” The site is owned by Dave Van Zandt from North Carolina, who offers no biographical information about himself aside from the following: “Dave has been freelancing for 25+ years for a variety of print and web mediums (sic), with a focus on media bias and the role of media in politics. Dave is a registered Non-Affiliated voter who values evidence based reporting” and, “Dave Van Zandt obtained a Communications Degree before pursuing a higher degree in the sciences. Dave currently works full time in the health care industry. Dave has spent more than 20 years as an arm chair researcher on media bias and its role in political influence.”

WND was unable to locate a single article with Van Zandt’s byline. Ironically, the “fact checker” fails to establish his own credibility by disclosing his qualifications and training in evaluating news sources.

Asked for information concerning his expertise in the field of journalism and evaluating news sources, Van Zandt told WND: “I am not a journalist and just a person who is interested in how media bias impacts politics. You will find zero claims of expertise on the website.”

Concerning his purported “25+ years” of experience writing for print and web media, he said: “I am not sure why the 25+ years is still on the website. That was removed a year ago when I first started the website. All of the writing I did was small print news zines from the ’90s. I felt that what I wrote in the ’90s is not related to what I am doing today so I removed it. Again, I am not a journalist. I simply have a background in communications and more importantly science where I learned to value evidence over all else. Through this I also became interested in research of all kinds, especially media bias, which is difficult to measure and is subjective to a degree.”

WND asked: Were your evaluations reviewed by any experts in the industry?

“I can’t say they have,” Van Zandt replied. “Though the right-of-center Atlantic Council is using our data for a project they are working on.”

Van Zandt says he uses “three volunteers” to “research and assist in fact checking.” However, he adds that he doesn’t pay them for their services.

Van Zandt lists WND on his “Right Bias” page, alongside news organizations such as Fox News, the Drudge Report, the Washington Free Beacon, the Daily Wire, the Blaze, Breitbart, Red State, Project Veritas, PJ Media, National Review, Daily Caller and others.

“These media sources are highly biased toward conservative causes,” Van Zandt writes. “They utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Sources in this category may be untrustworthy.”

His special notes concerning WND link to and, websites that have their own questionable reputations and formulas as so-called “fact checkers.” (See the “Snopes” and “PolitiFact” entries below.)

Van Zandt says he uses a “strict methodology” in determining which news sources are credible, but his website offers vague and typo-ridden explanations of his criteria, such as the following:


Asked if his own political leanings influence his evaluations, Van Zandt said: “Sure it is possible. However, our methodology is designed to eliminate most of that. We also have a team of 4 researchers with different political leanings so that we can further reduce researcher bias.”

Bill Palmer of the website Daily News Bin accused Van Zandt of retaliating when the Daily News Bin contacted him about his rating. Palmer wrote:

t turns out Van Zandt has a vindictive streak. After one hapless social media user tried to use his phony ‘Media Bias Fact Check’ site to dispute a thoroughly sourced article from this site, Daily News Bin, we made the mistake of contacting Van Zandt and asking him to take down his ridiculous ‘rating’ – which consisted of nothing more than hearsay such as ‘has been accused of being satire.’ Really? When? By whom? None of those facts seem to matter to the guy running this ‘Media Bias Fact Check’ scam.

“But instead of acknowledging that he’d been caught in the act, Van Zandt retaliated against Daily News Bin by changing his rating to something more sinister. He also added a link to a similar phony security company called World of Trust, which generates its ratings by allowing random anonymous individuals to post whatever bizarre conspiracy theories they want, and then letting these loons vote on whether that news site is ‘real’ or not. These scam sites are now trying to use each other for cover, in order to back up the false and unsubstantiated ‘ratings’ they semi-randomly assign respected news outlets. …

“‘Media Bias Fact Check’ is truly just one guy making misleading claims about news outlets while failing to back them up with anything, while maliciously changing the ratings to punish any news outlets that try to expose the invalidity of what he’s doing.”

But Van Zandt accused Palmer of threatening him, and he said MediaBiasFactCheck welcomes criticism. If evidence is provided, he said, the site will correct its errors.

“Bottom line is, we are not trying to be something we are not,” he said. “We have disclaimers on every page of the website indicating that our method is not scientifically proven and that there is [sic] subjective judgments being used as it is unavoidable with determining bias.”

Read the rest of Zerohedge’s article about FAKEST FACT CHECKERS ON THE INTERNET on this link.
ZeroHedge, seriously ?

  • Overall, we rate ZeroHedge an extreme right-biased conspiracy website based on the promotion of false/misleading/debunked information that routinely denigrates the left.
Factual Reporting: LOW
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

Also, one should not consider a valid source of information a website in which reporters publish articles under fake names such as Tyler Durden

Exposing The 9 Fakest Fake-News Checkers​

Any valid news reporter should publish his articles under his real name and any valid news website should have the résumé of their reporters available to any reader


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Why do they always have first-middle-last names for assassins? This one: Nicholas-John-Roske.

@BeatMan - why not use credible news sources? ...

... Instead of going to right-wing bullshit places!
That would destroy the narrative.

Kavanaugh just needs to move into a bunker.

Leon Czolgosz gets slighted. No one ever uses Frank.
Why do they always have first-middle-last names for assassins? This one: Nicholas-John-Roske.

@BeatMan - why not use credible news sources? ...

... Instead of going to right-wing bullshit places!

Because they need to pretend the Left/The Muslims/The Immigrants are a threat to the nation, that Biden is no better than Mao or Stalin, that any muslim is potential terrorist, that real patriotic US citizens should start piling guns and ammos 'cause Civil War 2.0 is coming...


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Good post Johan.
Because they need to pretend the Left/The Muslims/The Immigrants are a threat to the Nation. That Biden is no better than Mao or Stalin, that any Muslim is a potential terrorist, that real patriotic US citizens should start piling guns and ammos 'cause Civil War 2.0 is coming...
Following the Big Lie. Believing Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Kevin McCarthy, Marjorie-Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis. The Republican Party agenda. Denial of the Pandemic. Conspiracy theories. Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis, Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, L. Lin Wood. Listening to Fox News, Lou Dobbs and Tucker Carlson for months. The 2020 Presidential election being stolen. Thinking that the 2020 Presidential election was rigged with fraud. Denying that the January 6, 2021 Insurrection occurred. Taking Vladimir Putin's side in the Russia-Ukraine War. Add to that the banning of books. Restricting thoughts. Winston Smith, and O'Brien. George Orwell's 1984 coming alive. Soon making abortions illegal. Hate groups. The Oath Keepers. The Proud Boys. Working off the U.S. citizens fears. Just like Nazi Germany.
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